IT'S ALL IN THE MIND(Why We're Smarter than the Rest) Part 1

in #science7 years ago (edited)

[credit](www. peaseinternational. com)

These lighthearted illustrations of the male and
female brain are funny only because they contain
such an element of truth. But how much? Well, more
than you might think. In this chapter we'll
examine the recent dramatic revelations from research
into the brain.
You'll find this a real eye -opener, and at
the end i have included a simple but remarkable
test to show you just why your brain behaves the way
it does.

Why We're Smarter than the Rest
Look at the following drawings and you'll notice two
striking differences between gorillas, Neanderthal man
and us modern humans. Firstly, our brain is more than
three times the size of the gorilla's and one-third bigger
than our primitive ancestor's. Fossil evidence shows
that our brain has remained about the same size for the
last 50, 000 years and there has been little change in our
brain functions. Secondly, we have a protruding
forehead which our fore-fathers and primate cousins
lacked. The forehead contains the left and right frontal
brain lobes which give us many of our unique abilities
such as thinking, map reading and speech. This is what
makes us superior to all other animals.
Men and women's brains have evolved with different
strengths, talents and abilities. Men, being responsible
for hunting game, needed areas in the brain for long-
distance navigation, to develop tactics for organising
the kill and to hone skills for hitting a target. They
didn't need to be good conversationalists or sensitive
to anyone's emotional needs, so they never developed
strong brain areas for interpersonal skills.
Women, by contrast, needed an aptitude for good
short-range navigation, wider peripheral vision to
monitor their surroundings, the ability to perform
several activities simultaneously, and effective commu-
nication skills. As a consequence of these needs, men
and women's brains developed specific areas to handle
each skill.
In today's terms, ancient society was very sexist but
we'll tackle this issue later

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We are the best and most beautiful of God Creature....its a pity some people dont know that

Maybe they will know better now

A very informative post. Its really obvious that this one is written by a homosapien and not a gorilla.

Humans are born with best brain but worst heart among all creatures in this world

good information for us

brilliant post

brilliant post!

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