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RE: Irrationality, Pseudoscience & Conspiracies - EM Radiation and 5G, Yikes!

in #science5 years ago

The problem with 5G is not the danger that it may or may not pose to human health. We humans have a remarkable ability to adapt to our surroundings and so even if 5G is dangerous, it won't be for too long. However, 5G is indeed very dangerous in the sense that it will facilitate the rise of an unprecedented level of surveillance that is more than likely to be utilised towards abusive ends.

5G aside, the language that you use in this post is most interesting to me. You claim that one ought to be very, very sceptical. But go on to imply that this scepticism should be reserved for only specific facets of public information. You seem to think that it is wise to be sceptical in regards to mainstream media, but that one ought to take everything emanating from the scientific community as gospel. This is not a sceptical mind. It is a biased mind. If you believe that politics and science are separate from one another, and that only the former need be scrutinised with a sceptical eye, then perhaps you ought to consider that scientific researchers largely depend upon corporate and governmental agencies to source their funding, and consequently, the nature of modern science and the information shared by it is indeed political.

In short; a sceptical mind is sceptical all the time. If there is any source at all that you trust implicitly then you're not sceptical, you are biased, and open to manipulation of the mind. Also, it is unproductive and unbecoming to be ridiculing others for having a different opinion from you. If your goal is as you say it is, then perhaps you ought to speak to those you are attempting to change the minds of in a less condescending manner. In my experience, people are far more receptive to new ideas when they do not feel they are being insulted.

It's not often I offer unsolicited advice nowadays so I hope you're not offended by my choice to do so here today. It would be worth considering my words closely, I feel. Have a pleasant day.


I agree the issues with privacy violations are concerning and it may become worse with 5G. However, that is a different topic that has nothing to do with EM waves, it is just faster technology which already exists with fibre optics.

Governments and people who abuse privacy will continue to do so with or without 5G. North Korea has a 3G network and is miles ahead in terms of invading privacy than more technologically enabled despotic regimes.

I understand you have concerns that I am ok with political debate/conspiracy and not with science debate. Please carefully read the first few paragraphs of what I wrote.

I stand by my statement that science conspiracy is stupid. I mentioned in my post that I respect the scientific method, end of story.

To clarify what that means (there is always someone who needs explaining here) I am not skeptical of science that ignores the scientific method, I am simply saying it isn't science or a scientific debate.

When someone blatantly ignores the scientific method in their arguement (it's hard to call it research or experiment), pointing out flaws in their method (professionals call it peer review) is the first step. This isn't science, it is come back to debate science when you are prepared to debate science.

I also said scientific debates are usually best left to experts who know what they are talking about.

Skepticism in science is very different than in social science, politics or history. I am most certainly skeptical of bogusbscientific claims. There is a famous youtuber called thunderf00t that likes to call these people out.

Thank you for your comment and I hope you see the difference and understand I basically agree with you.

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