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RE: Introduction To Resource-Based Economy - What Is Wrong With Our Socio-Economic System.

in #science7 years ago
  1. Basic human needs do not just revolve around "meat sack which eats and poops". Instead of physiological needs, there are also psychological/social needs. Please check up, what science currently considers to be basic human needs.
  2. TVP clearly explains that we have to first build an experimental city and use as large " lab"/research centre to test the concept, improve it and progress from there.
    You cannot test social system in the single lab. Looking for peer reviews of social system tested on small scale dors not make sense. Same as you cannot test capitalism, feudal system or communism in the labs. It requires massive social change and transformation. First experimental city has to be build.

I've heard this argument before from a politician.

“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it ."

"It requires massive social change and transformation. First experimental city has to be built."


Your reasoning is logically fallacious.
Completely illogical comparison.

First sentence is about paper proclamation that is not transparent no one knows what it is going to be about until it is enforced on public.

Second sentence is about scientific experiment that is transparent with the data well known before it is conducted and everyone being able to observe it's process.

I am tired of correcting logical fallacies. This is the end of this conversation.

Since you are an ardent follower of scientism, it is hard to argue with you! But its always hard to argue with zealots. Cest la vie.

Yet another logical fallacy. Self evidently you don't understand the foundations of logical discourse.
I have tolerated your previous bullshit but won't tolerate ad hominem. I have given you the chance to show capacity for logical discourse but you have failed with each response adding more and more logical fallacies.
Go away or you will get blocked and flagged.

I don't know where to find the last science bulletin stating "these are what science currently considers to be basic human needs". The closest thing I know to this is Maslow's pyramid, which is an over-simplified and widely criticized attempt to hierarchically define a set of human needs. I do not know of any unanimous and neatly defined set of basic human needs provided by science. But again, science is not a consensus endeavor; it is the opposite of it. It is the constant attempt to discover the cracks in its models; it is the ever questioning attitude towards a deeper and more meaningful understanding of existence. And when it comes to social and behavioral sciences, I think it is fair to say that we are still in an infant stage of our understanding. Nonetheless, I would be glad if you could point me in some promising direction, if you know of one.

I agree that an empirical test of a social structure requires such a structure to be built. However, you need to have a blueprint of what you're building. That's more or less what I was asking you about: what are the scientifically studied management models that are to be attempted when building this first city? If RBE claims to be rooted in the scientific method, you need a clearly defined hypothesis to be put to test, not a vague promise to "do things scientifically" (whatever that means) once whatever it is that you want to build is built. That's usually what religious leaders ask of their followers.

Don't take me the wrong way; I sincerely appreciate this sharing of ideas and I am not simply disregarding any RBE ideas from scratch. I just believe that the best way to develop some good model is to attack it at its weakest points to see if it is able to stand. That is how I choose to eventually be of any use to the development of the ideas behind RBE or to their mutation into something more solid.

Thank you again for your kind answers.

You are right. Criticism is important. Your doubts have been asked before. Check up TVP FAQ, please.

About basic human needs. Maslov pyramid is moreless accurate although probably it should be modified about certain priorities. and what science currently understands about them and human behaviour, I learnt a lot from series of lectures from Stanford University called "Introduction To Human Behavioral Biology". I very much recommend it.

Thank you for your answer. Regarding TVP FAQ, I have browsed it more than once, but I haven't really found answers to the questions I am posing. As for the lectures, I'll certainly check them out, though it may take me a while. Thanks again!

Yes, the series is quite long. There is lots of research in this field. it is worth waching

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