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RE: Climate Change: A "Catastrophic" Flaw In The Discourse

in #science8 years ago (edited)

"Modern science is good at generating data, but when it comes to applying that data to political action or institutions one should use logic, though this is rarely the case. While it is reasonable to assume that a scientist is good at their science, it is less reasonable to assume that a scientist is good at logic."

This sounds nonsensical to me. The whole Scientific Method is built around logical reasoning. The coherent scientific research is highly logical in its process.

Also, you confuse the role of a politician with the role of a scientist. It is not a scientific community to apply their data\ research to politics. It is politician's role.
Scientists provide data and bring facts which they share with society. That's all they do. If scientific findings are ignored or manipulated in politics, then it is because politicians are either scientifically illiterate\cannot apply logical reasoning or simply value their own personal agenda more than science.
Majority of politicians are scientifically illiterate as most of them come from legal or financial background. Most of them are neither scientists nor technicians.
The scientific data is conclusive and there scientific consensus from all scientific community from around the world that there is anthropogenic climate change. There is no debate.
The flaw is the fact that majority of population is scientifically illiterate and not educated in logical reasoning, so they follow pseudoscience and support politicians who are science deniers or confusiinists. This is the most important problem corrupting our society. The root cause of all our social problems can always denominate to 2 things: scientific illiteracy and monetary system.

"IF there is a risk of catastrophic global climate change then it is critical that we develop technologies that deliver to humanity the ability to control the weather".

This would be a constant patchwork. It is impossible to control the weather due to its complexity. Besides, it would take decades to develop any significant geo-engineering technology past the current primitive one to have any reasonable effect on some climate patterns. The solution is not attempting to control the weather but to create conditions that are sustainable for the support of human life and the environment. The whole idea of trying to control the nature (weather) is the root cause if environmental degradation and ecocide. Humans have thought that they control the nature and exploit it instead if trying to adjust their living to laws of nature. They have thought that they can defeat and control the laws of nature. Nature is the only real authoritarian system and humanity has to accept it.


Didn't disprove any of my premises? Check. Didn't present any contradictory evidence? Check. Didn't disprove any of my logical arguments? Check. Nit-picked a couple of sentences that could have been written more clearly, sure, check. Thanks for playing but you didn't disprove any of my points.


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