3D Printed Smart Clothes That Move When You Look At Them. Future of Fashion (News In Science & Technology)

in #science8 years ago

The clothing has been designed by taking inspiration from nature. This 3D printed dress uses eye-tracking technology which recognizes your facial expressions, age and eye movement. Then, according to this information the garment responds in specific motion.
The innovation won an award at "South by Southwest" event.
It has been designed by Behnaz Farahi who is an architect and interaction designer at the University of Southern California.

SXSW Innovation award winner:

BBC Interview:

Behnaz Farahi's page:


Noooo! When I check out a girl, the dress is going to respond. Not good.

Great, One more camera watching what we do.

I'm sure someone will design the device which will block the tracking for those consumers who do not want to be tracked by this type of garment :-)

It's just so funny to think about these types of issues.

Amazing, had been wondering when it would happen.

Human ingenuity through science is limitless :-)

Amazing how 3D printing as a technology originally intended for rapid protyping industry now applied to fashion, food and so much more. Btw, it is possible to tag as #3dprinting

I see, I may tag next time.

3D printer will probably be a household item within next decade, just like microwave oven :-)

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