Patented: Front Page News, Or Not.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #science8 years ago

The United States Patent Office grants patents to inventions that
meet three main criteria.
The invention must be novel, nonobvious, and useful.
An invention must work and serve some type of purpose.

Patent search is endlessly fascinating.
I could get lost for a day in the links from a single patent.
The links to other patents are at the bottom of each page.

This is pretty cool.

Electrical apparatus and methods for denaturing venoms and toxins

just the downloadable PDF

None of this is medical advice. Poisonous bites are dangerous.
Consult your doctor.

Here are some more,



I have come to the conclusion, however, that patents are just another coercive tool of the state. In practice, they actually stifle competition and retard technical progress. Most contain misleading information designed to game the purpose of the system without truly revealing the "secret sauce" that makes the invention actually function.

The greatest utility I've received from patents is as a form of credential. I am named inventor on a number of patents that were "works done for hire." In other words, I do not "own" the rights to the patents. They are owned by the companies I was working for at the time. Nevertheless, there is a "wow" factor to having a bunch of patents in my portfolio, and that has been a career boost. 😄😇😄


I agree, it is a tool of the state for control. I do find use in it as a way to demonstrate to the pseudoskeptics, and pathological doubters, of what is possible, because it has already been done. Don't get me wrong, I NEVER get tired of trying to have fruitful conversations with people whose entire vocabulary consists of debunk, snake oil, tinfoil hat, and peer reviewed clinical trials.

Repeatability is what I'm looking for, not the approval of authority, popularity, or any regulatory anything.

Most of the patents are expired anyway, which means you can do anything you like with them. All that is needed is the knowledge and motivation to do something with them. I saw a $50 post today about how to peel a boiled egg. If that is worth 50 bucks, how much is the knowledge that could save a life be worth? So far it looks like, how to peel an overcooked egg $50, surviving snakebite in the wilderness $0.13. I guess more people come up against the awesome challenge of peeling the overcooked egg.

llllllllllllloooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllll it's how you present it and what the market thinks it's worth, how many people are in the forest, 5%? how many get bitten by snakes maybe .13% :D in the mean time how many people can't peel eggs without blowing them? am I right? probably 50% :D so yeah I remember a month ago maybe I called out a stupid post on the trending page, it was just a video repost worth 20$, so yeah ended up being a sore looser for not making that much on my 3 hour write :D and all I did was repost another video wanting my 20 bucks :D strange how people think, rather lacking in breadth and depth.

true creator after all :) no wonder you surf

Edison was the hands down master of the patent process. I don't know if he actually invented anything himself, but he was very skilled at stealing the work of others and getting them patented.

This is true of more people than is popularly known. I wonder if there are more intellectual property disputes over patents than there are patents.

With the advent of the internet, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

a true artist he was, the most famous inventor :D he probably was good with marketing, killing elephants and all is a good show after all, never read much on him

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