Einstein Brain was Stolen for Science?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

On April 18, 1955 Dr Albert Einstein the father of relativity died because of abdominal aortic aneurysm at the Princeton Hospital. “He had left behind specific instructions regarding his remains: cremate them, and scatter the ashes secretly in order to discourage idolaters,” writes Brian Burrell in his 2005 book.

His body was cremated in the lab of Princeton Hospital by the pathologist Thomas Harvey, but Harvey took Einstein brain without permission. Harvey soon lost his job at the princeton hospital and took the brain, Harvey turn the brain into 240 pieces, some of these were given to leading pathologist and the rest were store them in his protected basement.

In 1985 harvey and his collaboration made a study on Einstein's brain, and what they found out was shocking and make a difference in the field of neuroscience.The first study was happen in California, they found an abnormal proportion of the types of cells, neurons and glia.Einstein estimated IQ was 160-190 which is much higher than the most, the size of his brain is actually a smaller than size of a normal male brain.


Einstein inferior parietal region was about 15 percent larger than the average male brain.They thought that this makes Eintein very good in language and in mathematics, another this is Einstein is lacking a crevice in the skull and also his brain did not show any signs of aging.It is because Einstein, void a substance called lipofuscin which is an autofluorescent brown-yellow, which is the reason why we look old.

"The remainder of Einstein brain that was not dessected into slides was put into a cider box under a beer cooler in Dr. Harveys home.After spending decades in a beer cooler, Dr. Harvey donated the brain to Princeton Hospital" Marcy Engelman.

There's no doubt that Harvey did that not in the name of science because he not able to made a study on Einstein brain for over 20 years.Hopefully after how many research and studies through the use of modern technology, it will improve the field of neuroscience to use for the next generation and also to reveal the real secrets of Einstein's brain.

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