The Orca and Pingu projects for understanding neutrinos better

in #science7 years ago

The parameters driving the neutrino sector of the Standard Model of particle physics are still not all accurately measured today, and future experiments are designed in order to clarify the situation.

[image credits: ORCA@KM3NET]

Among these, two projects, ORCA (illustrated on the right) and PINGU, aim to extract precisely the mass differences between the three existing species of neutrinos.

This article aims to discuss what are exactly neutrinos, their flavor, and their oscillations.

I will then briefly introduce the PINGU and ORCA experiments, some of their goals and how they work.


Physicists were studying, at the beginning of the 20th century, processes where one atomic nucleus A could decay into another atomic nucleus B and an electron e,

A → B e

Theoretically, it is very easy to determine the properties of the products of this reaction (B and the electron) thanks to special relativity and energy and momentum conservation. One gets a very important result: the energy of the electron is well determined and has a unique value.

[image credits: the T2K experiment]

This is depicted by the red line on the picture on the left. However, measurements were actually matching the blue curve.

There was a clear mismatch between theory and predictions.

An simple explanation was proposed by Pauli: the electron was allowed to be less energetic because of an extra invisible player taking part to the above reaction.

In this way, the total amount of energy could be shared.

The neutrino (noted by νe) is this guy. In order to match the observation, the neutrino has to be very light. It was actually for a very long time believed massless, until neutrino oscillations (see below) have been discovered in the 20 years ago.


However, nature is tricky. We all know that.

I introduced the neutrino as a partner (with respect to the weak interactions) of the electron. This is the reason why there is an index ‘e’ in νe.

But the Standard Model of particle physics contains three copies of the electron: the electron itself, the muon and the tau. The only differences are the masses of these particles, all other properties being the same.

[image credits: Fermilab]

Similarly, the theory includes three species of neutrinos: the electronic neutrino, the muonic neutrino and the tau neutrino.

These three guys are shown on the picture on the right (please ignore the arrows between them for now).

In its original formulation, the Standard Model of particle physics hence includes three neutrino species (also known as flavors), each of them being massless.


However, recent neutrino experiments have demonstrated that neutrinos can undergo flavor changes. This is what is known as neutrino oscillations. Those are represented by the arrows on the above picture: a given neutrino can be transformed into another one.

The fact that neutrinos oscillate into each other has deep consequences.

First, neutrinos are massive and the theory must thus be revised. There are hence various extensions of the Standard Model embedding neutrino masses, and also extra particles that could be observed in order to push for one or the other option.

[image credits: Fermilab]

Second, this also means that neutrinos can be seen as chameleons. When propagating in space or interacting with other particles, a neutrino of a given type can turn into a neutrino of another type.

More precisely, the physical neutrinos (the three chameleons on the image) are not of a unique flavor but are instead admixtures of all three flavors. Each neutrino contains a given amount of each flavor.

On the picture, the three possible flavors (electron, muon and tau) can be seen as the three colors (red, yellow and blue).

What is thus needed experimentally is to measure the properties of these three chameleons. We must hence know the mixing properties of the neutrinos (i.e., which amount of each flavor is contained in each chameleon), and the mass differences between the three guys.


The mixing pattern of the three neutrinos can be parameterized by three mixing angles: how electron neutrinos mix with muon neutrinos, how electron neutrinos mix with tau neutrinos and how muon neutrinos mix with tau neutrinos.

[image credits: Super-Kamiokande @ KEK]

Those parameters start to be very well cornered by current data, coming from experiment like Super-Kamiokande (shown on the picture on the right).

However, for the mass differences, this is another story. The hierarchy between the three neutrinos (or in other words, the mass ordering of the three chameleons) is even unknown.

This represents one of the main challenges for the future neutrino experiments, and two of them are being designed to improve our knowledge with this respect: ORCA and PINGU.


[image credits: ORCA @ KM3NeT]

ORCA is an acronym for Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss. This consists of a neutrino telescope based in sea water, offshore from Toulon in France.

The idea is to study neutrinos created from the interactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere of the Earth. Those neutrinos then continues to fly towards the ground, and some of them will get into the sea.

Since deep sea water has very good optical properties, the idea behind the ORCA experiment is to use it for precision measurement of the reactions of the neutrinos with sea water, using the Cherenkov light produced by those reactions.

[image credits: PINGU @ IceCube]

The PINGU project has been proposed as an extension of the existing IceCube experiment, located at the South Pole. It is also an acronym standing for Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade.

The principle of this project consists of burying here a huge detector (its size is more than 10 cubic kilometers) made of Antarctic ice well below the surface.

The detector includes again optical sensors to observe the Cherenkov light generated by the reactions of the astrophysical neutrinos with Antarctic ice.


In this article, I discussed a little bit what are neutrinos.

While neutrinos were initially thought off coming as three different flavors (electron, muon and tau), nature was actually trickier and the three existing neutrinos can be seen as three different admixtures of these three flavors.

One unknown today is the mass hierarchy between the physical neutrinos, and I briefly introduced two future projects aiming to solve this puzzle: ORCA and PINGU.

For more information, I recommend the following references:

  • Some general information on neutrinos can be foubnd here and there.
  • Information on ORCA is available from here.
  • Information on PINGU can be found here
  • Some general information about the prospects of PINGU and ORCA can be read from here.
  • More information on the weak interactions can be found in this older Steemit article.

Two things:

  1. How awesome of a name is the "Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss." - i suppose the Abyss there is the deep ocean.

  2. Cherenkov light is like the blue light in a nuclear reactor from cherenkov radiation? How does measuring that help identify the mass hierarchies? Or is this question way too far into the weeds for me to even understand (a very real possibility :)

Thanks for these questions! Please find below some elements of answer (don't hesitate to come back to me if necessary). I am not an experimentalist so that I will not be able to give too much more details than that... But you can try asking ;)

  1. Actually, it is the not-so-deep Mediterranean sea :)
  2. Cherenkov light is the same light you can see in a nuclear reactor. It is due to light traveling faster than the speed of light in the medium. It is recorded by the detector sensors. You have a 3D grid of sensors, and each sensor registers the time of arrival of the light, its position and its brightness. From them, clever algorithms reconstruct what happened. By comparing data and predictions, hypotheses cam be tested, and constraints on the free parameters of the theory can be set.

Neutrino!!! It is one of the very first thing get my attention aside from proton, neutron, and electron when I was in high school !!! By the way, there was a neutrino lab inside a tunnel in Hong Kong actually (brief intro here)

Just omit the chinese character, you can see more photos in this link

Unfortunately, the project was complete and shut down in 2014 but one is saying that they would like to re-open this lab.
It is pretty amazing that there is a particle physics lab in Hong Kong (though it is small), as I had been repeatedly told that physics research in HK is heavily focused on astronomy, due to the low running cost.... that's really sad

humm...... btw the blue line in the "the T2K experiment" looks so similar to the Boltzmann distribution to me lol

The Daya Bay experiment indeed managed to measure for the first time the first-third generation mixing parameter and show it was non zero (which is connected to the Hong Kong tunnel). So even if the project is over, the results were very important (and independently confirmed later).

Btw, the lbue line has nothing to do with the T2K experiment, but this is the website where I found the curve ;)

I am really amazed by the setting of the lab which have to be deep in the mountain, which was explained to be minimizing the interference from cosmic ray. Haha, there are way more things to learn before starting the experiments!

Although I haven't been much online recently due to work, I find you have one of the most interesting accounts here on steemit. One day I really want to go through all your posts and especially the quantum mechanics series - hopefully next week I'll have more free time. Thank you for this awesome content.

Thanks for your very nice message. Don't hesitate to ask any question on my post, if necessary of course :)

enjoyed this, I keep thinking it's way above most typical steemians.
Would a "sibling" post geared to a more general reader entice some people to go deeper for themselves?
Upvoted you, and was already a follower.

Oh, I thought having made it understandable by anyone already. Do you mind indicating me from which section does it start to be too complicated?

I never ever see your posts and have been thinking about that sometimes, since I like you LOL.

Once again, I have come to support your post and comment and say...

I always feel smarter after reading your posts or comments, even if I do not understand most of what you say because of your brain as compared to mine


I am trying to make this thing simple, but it is harder as when you speak in front of an audience that can interact and stop when things get too complicated. If you want me to clarify anything, please let me know.

Oh....... and I have noticed your votes and support for a long time and have not managed yet to say thanks, until now, properly.

Thank you.

Have a nice week.

Hehe no problem! You are welcome ;)

I just updated my BTC Price Series template tonite and put up the post, I think it flows better.

If you feel like being online tonite etc -- give it a look if you do not mind and LMK your thoughts.

It is a couple major tweaks, nothing drastic but I am a lot happier with the layout and flow now.

Unfortunately, I was offline yesterday night. But I will be online tonight. I am trying as much time as I can with the family as I will leave for 10 days on Thursday.

Definitely understand man.

it's been a tough few days for me here, with the issues on my donation post to help Dian and the targeting by a few people.

It is sad but such is life.

Have a great trip if we do not talk before then.

Thanks again for your continued help, support and comments man, honestly.

I am a bit ashamed with the tiny amount of comments I am currently leaving to your posts... I will try to improve this in the future... ;)


You will always be one of my fav. people on here, it is nice you stop by when you have time. I do appreciate and these sentiments.

Kind of you.

Thanks for this very nice message!

good post.. it is very informative.. followed n upvoted..

Wow, beautiful nice post you ,, i am very interested, i think you are a great person @lemouth


Thank you for the support! :)

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