Seeking for dark forces with phasers

in #science7 years ago

Physicists are heavily trying to observe dark forces today. And to do that, they use, in particular, the Large Hadron Collider, the LHC, at CERN. But this apparatus may not be sufficient.

New phenomena related to dark forces may indeed be such that we have not observed them so far because they are fancy enough to escape detection. This option is considered very seriously, and proposals for new experiments, or extension of existing experiments, are performed regularly.

[image credits: Wikipedia]

Among all the recent proposals for new experiments, I recently read about one of them (here) proposing to use phasers to corner new particles that are very light and/or extremely weakly interacting with the known world. Those could be typical dark force carriers.

Phasers? Do you remember this ‘toy’ (please check the picture on the left) harnessing collimated particles and that was used in some very well-known movies to explore new worlds? Really?

The proposed experiment that I want to talk about is actually not really considering using a Star Trek tool to probe dark forces. They will use instead a FASER! A slightly different beast.


Before discussing about FASER or phasers, it may be good to go back to the title of this post. I mentioned dark forces. But what are those?

[image credits: NASA]

Many theories extending the Standard Model of particle physics contain a dark sector. A dark sector can indeed be connected to dark matter (there is ‘dark’ in both names after all), and dark matter is very appealing today.

This consists thus of a strong motivation for studying consistent pictures of dark worlds. The definition of a dark sector is pretty simple.

We know that we have the Standard Model of particle physics describing how all known elementary particles behave and interact (electromagnetism, weak and strong forces).

[image credits: Pixabay]

But we may imagine that in parallel to those visible and known particles of the Standard Model, we have a bunch of hidden guys that we have not observed so far.

This is the key: ‘dark’ means ‘hidden’. These hidden guys can (and will generally) interact, but not via the usual fundamental forces. Hidden particles indeed usually interact via their own fundamental interactions, that are generally called dark forces.

After Star Trek, here is Star Wars.


Dark electromagnetism is the simplest example of dark forces. It is a copy of electromagnetism, but in the dark sector.

[image credits: NASA]

We have in this way dark particles that carry a dark electric charge and that interact with a dark photon. This is it. Nothing more complicated than making an invisible copy of what we know.

One little subtlety: photons are massless and dark photons are massive, but in general light.

How to however detect those guys. If they are all hidden, they should not be observable. This is in principle correct, but the theory features that photons and dark photons mix with each other.

This jargon means that a small part of the photon is actually dark and a small part of the dark photon is actually visible. Dark photons have consequently visible signatures that can thus be observed in a detector.

The dark photon properties are however such that it generally travels before decaying visibly. And by traveling, it is actually traveling more than hundreds of meters. Taking the LHC, this is way too long for the LHC detector to observe anything (as the detectors are smaller). In addition, dark photons usually travels along the beam pipes.

As a consequence, one needs to design something new to observe them: a detector far from the interaction point where particles collide at the LHC, and close to the proton beams.


FASER (and not phaser) is one of such proposals. Unrelated to Star Trek, this is the acronym of ForwArd Search ExpeRiments. It consists of a detector located at either 150m or 400 m from the ATLAS or CMS detector.

As dark photons, once produced, travel and decay after a long trip of several hundreds of meters, they could be caught by FASER. This is represented on the picture below.

[image credits: arXiv:1708.09389]

IP stands for the interaction point, that is either ATLAS or CMS. Thanks to a bunch of magnets (D1, Q1, Q2, Q3), the trajectories of the charged particles are bended so that these particles are thrown away. 140 meters further, an absorber can handle usual neutral particles (like neutrons), so that only dark photons (and dark force carriers in general) can go through a detector located at 150m from the interaction point.

A second location is also possible, much further away (400 m from the interaction point). Being far away, particles must go through tons of rocks before getting to the detector, which ensures a good background rejection too.


New phenomena in particle are actively searched for, in particular at the LHC at CERN. Many theories of physics beyond the Standard Model rely on so-called dark sectors, that consist of invisible particles that live their life among themselves.

One example of such is the dark version of electromagnetism. This theory features dark photons, that have the properties of becoming visible after traveling for a few hundreds of meters, so that special detectors must be designed to track them.

The FASER proposal is one of those, and consists of a small addition to the LHC machine that will allow to observe dark photons (and dark force carriers in general), if they exist.

And remember, a FASEr is not a phaser! :)

More information on FASER can be found in this scientific article. For information on dark electromagnetism, I can recommend this article.

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If they are all hidden, they should not be observable. This is in principle correct, but the theory features that photons and dark photons mix with each other.

I have a really hard time wrapping my brain around these concepts. They feel so abstract to me.

Dark photons have consequently visible signatures

Dark photons have energy, and can be detected? Is not a photon essentially just energy? I struggle mightily to reconcile these concepts. A dark photon is the inverse of energy? Dark Photon + Photon = Nothing?

(you must forgive me if ...when... I sound like an idiot here)

I have a really hard time wrapping my brain around these concepts. They feel so abstract to me.

It is hard to explain without the equations. Let me try.

You have fields that have specific properties under the interactions of the theory. For the Standard Model particles, this is how they interact electromagnetically, weakly, strongly. For the dark fields, this is how they interact darkly. Every single possible interaction that is not forbidden by a symmetry is there. That is the general rule. And this also applies to masses.

Then, you can extract the mass matrix associated with the different field. This matrix can have diagonal and off-diagonal terms (if allowed by the symmetry, such terms are the nixing terms).

But the physics objects, those we observe, are those for which the mass matrix is diagonal. Therefore, the physics objects are admixture of the initial ones.

Is this clearer? I am not too sure

Dark photons have energy, and can be detected? Is not a photon essentially just energy? I struggle mightily to reconcile these concepts. A dark photon is the inverse of energy? Dark Photon + Photon = Nothing?

A dark photon is just a name. It is just the force carrier of a dark force. Since this force has the same properties as electromagnetism, it the carrier is called a dark photon. Like any other particle, it has energy, momentum, etc...

Since the dark photon has no electric charge, it just does not interact with the photon, so that you don't have any reaction like photon + dark photon. This is forbidden. They will be observed through its mixing. The dark photon has a tiny photon component so that it can decay into visible particles like electrons. But since the mixing is tiny, it is a very rare event.

I hope I clarified things :) Otherwise please come back to me!

The dark photon has a tiny photon component so that it can decay into visible particles like electrons. But since the mixing is tiny, it is a very rare event.

I don't really understand what this means. If a dark photon has no charge and is unlike a photon, how can it have some photon component and release electrons...

I also don't understand what a dark force is.. like what property is a dark force. I understand other forces and what they represent, a dark force is just an interaction between dark particles? What exactly is a dark interaction? It's an attraction caused by what?


Dint know this much about dark force. Thank you for enlighting...

They are at the moment hypothetical. There is no proof they exist. However, theoretically it works very well ;)

If they are hypothetical...I wonder why do they spend so much of fund with so much confidence

This can be explained as such:

  • We have strong evidence that the Standard Model is not the ultimate theory of nature. There must thus be something else.
  • We are actively searching for this something else.
  • We have no clue on the form of this something else, so that all options are considered.
  • We must be sure that all options could be found with the current experimental program.

Dark sectors are one of the options of new phenomena, and it turns out that they may escape detection with the current experiments. Therefore, we must think how to improve the situation. FASER is one option among others.

Note that at this stage, not a single cent has been spent as we are talking about a proposal for an experiment.

And finally, no one is confident we will find anything. We are talking about being sure not to miss anything, if the anything is within our reach.

I hope I was clearer :)

Yeah...fairly enough.Thank you for it

Good post , I do believe dark particle is the biggest mysteries in the universe. It’s thought to be an invisible substance that makes up roughly five-sixths of all matter in the cosmos !!

You are missing the "maybe". There are actually alternative theories that work as well :)

It is a pity I missed your post 10 days ago. I would have upvoted it. (I think I was traveling from one continent to another one on the day you posted it.)

I wrote also a lot on dark matter (I actually spend a good fraction of my reasearch time on dark matter :p).

I think I had resteemed your content...lessons in quantum mechanics.That was a good topic

I had also written in quantum mechanics...but at dt time I was fresh here...hadn't edited well

Fascinating! as another character from that vintage TV programs us used to saying.

Really fascinating, indeed as we relentlessly march forward into the scientific unknown. Proposals like this would never have happened just a few years ago, a blink of an eye in the human condition, since dark matter is so new. Yet we are probing its secrets so vigorously now that we've discovered it's existence.

O, the good humanity can do if we want to.

Actually, dark matter is still hypothetical today. We only have indirect evidences that can also be explained by alternatives.

I thinks that gravity leaking in from other universes, maybe a few Planck lengths away is the sexiest of the alternatives. Imagine a universe so close filled with matter, yet the physics there won't let that stuff form into atoms. So their subatomic particles swirl around inert, dead ... just tugging on our reality.

Don't mind me, just dreaming ...

That is an option as many others :)

This is one of the aspects of physics I'm trying to get my head to understand. But with a material like this, my level of understanding will be enhanced

That is the goal. Please come back to me if you have any question.

Ok sir. Thanks a lot

this is intelligent
you gave me a clue toward the end of your article
great work

I really like your posts, I wait for the next post from you @lemouth

Good post I really like this post, I will wait for the next post

I See That You Have a Point and Value Information.
Keep Going - I Like It :)

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