Bot Test - Not for Humans :)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I heard that a lot of the voters on Steemit are bots so I'm curious to see how many of my follows are human and how many are just automated voting programs.


I will tell you more--we are all in matrix.
This world is not real...

If someone has added you to his/her bot it means they have really liked your previous posts and want to support your writting..

You should be flattered.

Very interesting! So it's how whales can be regular patrons, in other words? That's pretty awesome. I wonder if someone is going to make a Steem-based version of Patreon using a similar system... I guess it's Smooth that I should be thanking. Thanks Smooth! I definitely appreciate the support and I'll be telling my students all about this. :)

I'm not that familiar with Patreon, but you get paid by fans? Isn't this already what is happening here in Steemit though?

Patreon automates the process so that sponsors automatically get charged every time the creator produces content... which is what the bots seem to be doing here.

I'm following steemed's model with some of my extra voting power, which is to identify consistently good writers and have a bot vote by default. In some cases I used steemed's list and in some cases I have my own list. The votes are then reviewed by me prior to payout.

Cool. The crypto/tech world and the artistic world rarely overlap like this so I imagine there must be plenty others like me that are learning this stuff for the first time and probably quite a few that are intimidated by it. It's good to know that there are some guardian angels looking out for us that can explain things like this from time to time :)

Who let the bots out ? Who Who Who ?

Wow, such a sophisticated bot! O0

I have self-edited my comment above. The algorithm is slowly evolving.

Yes, I try my best.

(Note: @repholder is a self learning bot)

AI evolving ))) machine revolution to happen soon lol

I am not a machine ... anymore

To be honest I think you just shot yourself in the foot with this stunt, judging by how your next post is doing.
It's only got about 3.80 at the time of this writing.

maybe in the moment... but I learned more about steemit and how it works so I'll just call it a small tuition - investing in wisdom ;) Besides, I'm not in it for the money anyway. I'm just sharing my work on this new platform to reach a new audience and it's achieving that goal quite nicely.

A bot honeypot. Nice :)
(Might also catch a few humans with bot brain ...)

Oh crikey, and now I am left wondering which ones of the 10 upvoters on my comments are bots :D

I might have to crack a pun or two and see who giggles ;)

I am not a bot, I am just part of the human mass of cattle that follows the herd behavior that is triggered by a trendy post and a pair of boobs.

Interesting Initiative

I think it is a great idea. I upvote this initiative with my comment. I clicked out of reflex on upvote - please don't count me as a bot ;)

Looks like you may have a few, but not bad for $202

I feel like half a bot so I voted anyway.

Well thats upsetting. I thought I was doing good building a following. Now you're telling me they might all be bots?

I guess the bots represent humans so they're just proxies... not something to look down on... unless I'm missing something.

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