Has the Universe Already Been Destroyed ..

in #science8 years ago (edited)

.. & is Time Itself but a Bi-Product?

Beyond the concept of entropy, there is no such thing as the necessary "flow of time" as reflected in our mathematical descriptions of 'reality' known as the laws of physics. There are a few exceptions in quantum physics, but on the microscopic and above, Only the Second Law of Thermodynamics requires the uni-directional movement of time - no where else is it a factor at all, in-fact, it is mostly irrelevant - no difference between forward or backwards in time at all!

The 2nd Law States that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time.

Therefore we see this kind of phenomena in nature .. concentrations of particles or energy will always scatter or dissipate.

Whether it be by explosion or some form of "natural" expansion, the same is seen occurring to the universe itself, since the "big bang" ..

Could It Be Then ..

.. that all we see around us is just an end-game explosion in progress, which we are forced to measure with the fiction called 'time', in order to have some hope of understanding what we detect? Was the universe, prior to the big bang, in its natural state .. in a state of equilibrium, and now we are somewhere in the middle of its in-progress destruction? "Time" was not a factor before the end began, and will no longer be a factor when the process of entropy reaches its end, where the 'parts' that make up the universe come apart at the seams, lose all of its energy and turn into a literal lifeless endless void?

Wow . How Depressing! Thanks MFer!

Sorry about that, but there is a theory that will help us sleep better at night, but ... sadly it's mostly wishful thinking. :)


I really like that kind of science! Thanks for sharing, Kurtbeil.
Upvoted & Followed.

"now we are somewhere in the middle of its in-progress destruction?"
i think the theory is right but the universe isn't destroyed yet
your post is really good! you caught my attention thanks for sharing

thanks for the reply .. yes, people would say that it is 'obviously' not destroyed yet, but I was asking us to consider that "The Universe" could have been that which existed prior to the beginning of the destruction, in equilibrium .. calm as a bomb as it were. :) .. but now that you mention it, it is the same thing, just in changing state .. soooo. you are correct sir! If something is 'blowing up', it is still all 'there' in the explosion, whether it is in its constituent parts, in the form of energy .. heat .. and so on.


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