The Ground-Level Tasks of Sociology (featuring @juvyjabian as author)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Attention: This post has been written by @juvyjabian

Sociology, as a discipline, has a wide range of study just as wide as the human society is. It has gained its reputation as the very useful field of study among other areas of specialization. Other social sciences do, from time to time, need the expertise of a sociologist in order to complete the research. Just because the study of sociology is the society, it cannot be excluded from the researches pertaining to human behavior, human history, anthropological quests, biological formation, statistical works, political and economic stability of a country, and many more. In fact, these things are considered as the ground-level tasks of Sociology. The field is said to be the digger of the information and data for the benefit of the other field of studies.  


The Companion of other Sciences   

In Psychology, the intervention of Sociology is quite regular. The two always work together. Psychology wholly accepts the claim that all human beings are social and that any human behavior is dependent on its external factor which is the social influence. Just as Sociology would need the brain of a Psychologist to study the personal behavior and the confidentiality of a person's own thinking that drive his/her behavior towards the environment he/she is in. For instance, suicide is a problem the two Sciences highly pay attention to.    

This problem has both psychological and social factors that are interdependent to each other, and this is a reason why these two fields cannot work separately. A mentally disordered person cannot have a psychological problem without living or growing up in a problematic social environment unless it has biological reasons which will be tackled later. Indeed, it is the task of Sociology to unfold it.   

Human activities can also affect the biological formation of any kind. Although a child with biological impairment can develop a behavior by himself/herself, it can still be manageable or can be lessened in destruction by some social influence like his/her parents through proper enculturation. Victims of down syndrome can still live normally like any other else if he/she grew in a healthy environment with a good parenting and good relationship with the neighbors and friends.    

On the other aspect of biology, environmental degradation, the changes of food preference of the animals are just effects of human rationality to improve one's life but in a negative way. Sociology provides proper examination towards this phenomena by identifying socially constructed patterns of behavior a human being does in order to justify his/her point-of-view in doing such destruction, causing imbalance to the food chain or in the biodiversity for instance. To be able to help the biologists for this, Sociology proposes solution such as the abolition of large-scale mining, eco-waste management programs, and of course, targeting the capitalists from being exploitative to the environment for some profit. 



Also in the field of Anthropology, Sociologists are found observing the different ethnic patterns and culture of any group of people living in a certain community. While Anthropology tells us that the human evolution and actions are determined by their environment and how they can survive from any natural threat and have a good life in it, the Science also claims that the human relations are also factors that manipulate the material cause of such development and that any human intervention with the others changes a thing as any human being seeks of a good and comfortable life without any contradiction.    

Obviously in history, it is the time series of human activities, not actions taken from any immaterial and superstitious or statutory beings, not even fictions of human actions; and that is where Sociology comes in. Sociology accepts the theory that the history of humankind is the stages of development human beings pass through as human reason continuously improves to get into one's consciousness to find for a good life, and that includes destruction. Any revolution is the human course in the pursuit of establishing a new form of society free from any problem, and when such problems persist, there would be revolution all over again. The present condition is the product of the human actions in the past to seek for answers for genuine peace. The task of Sociology here is to solve the puzzle of this historical conflicts of the humankind.   

It is more obvious in politics and economy that they involve human activities, for they are naturally both human creations. They affect the whole society as they are not done by a single person. Sociology here attempts to identify the human objectives in establishing certain types of economic and political systems based on their preferences, whether personal or for the whole. 



For example, Sociology studies the people of North Korea to realize why the North Koreans prefer to have a totalitarian government rather than democratic one, and why they differ from the South Koreans, which are democratic in general, in preferences. Are they forced by the dictator to choose the current system or are they only ideologically devoted to it? Or do South Koreans really like their government or not? Speaking of economics, do North Koreans really want to have close-market system or are they only influenced by the political propaganda of their government? Or do South Koreans really benefit from the neoliberal policy of the globalization or are they aware that it is the only capitalists who benefit from it but not able to change it due to some threat or sanction if they turn out to be activists?


As you can see, it is not Sociology alone that is being discussed in the article. The truth is the tasks of Sociology are the tasks of other Sciences. The only difference is that it covers all of these specializations to complete a sociological research paper. Sociology is never one-sided, nor only focusing on one side. It has to enter to the other worlds of Science in order to cater the bigger truth in the bigger picture of the Society. Thus, these ground-level tasks of Sociology make Sociology as itself. To make a particular paper Sociological, it must contain sociological theories, and these theories will guide the researcher towards the other fields of study. 


Attention: This post has been written by @juvyjabian

@knozaki2015 features authors and artist to promote them and a diversity of content.

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Sociology and Psychology are not sciences even though they are claimed to be. They should be called "social engineering". The experiments performed are not even replicable and the reason is quite simple. Not even the same human is the same at different times of the day. If you do the same experiment in different days you get different results. In other words, they are bullshit.

We have better way to investigate the world. Psychology was the old, expired version. Neurobiology is the new way. Sociology has been replaced by Anthropology. Alchemy has been replaced by chemistry. Astrology by Astronomy.

I know that many people go to college to study these things but really, you are just paying someone to give you a paper that states "congrats, you have a signature for studying your passion".

It doesn't mean anything no matter how one tries to justify it. These fields are not "science". They are a scam.

Indeed, the term "science" has not the same meaning when used for physical or social sciences often lead to false conclusions. I noticed that in the discussions, many people use words with different meanings to prove their theory and convince the interlocutor. There is a lack of intellectual rigor.

Yes, of course, it is Science. It does not undergo experimentation since human behaviors cannot be done that way, but it deals with Scientific methods with facts and data gathered directly from the respondents. Sociology does not deal with anything unscientific.

nop. to do "science" you have to have replicability and falsifiability. psychology and sociology don't have either.

I agree. I use a scientific method but if the results are not"replicability and falsifiability", I can not conclude to a scientific evidence.

That's why Social Science is categorized as the 3rd area of Science. We dont need to similarize Sociology and Psychology to the other fields of Science because they have their own scientific methods?

Sociology and Psychology would not have been developed if the world's questions were already answered by the existing known Science.

Social Sciences lack experimentation since human brains cannot be examined in laboratories, but it does not justify that they're not Science. Sociologists and other social scientists conduct researches in the field. They do not just make their theories out of nowhere. The theories are based on what they see in their physical environment. Sociological theories are bounded with empirical research explaining physical phenomena.

Hi Kyriacos, as always great input. I am wondering, is there courses in Neurobiology at present? So one would study Neurobiology now?

ofcourse. they are a google away

between society and the individual the same as the difference between the atom and the quantum particle. the laws of the universe single
may God give you health
thank you for sbd

and success in your research

I see
I had A Teacher
That A Anthropologist
^ upvoted!

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