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RE: The effectiveness of Vaccines and Herd Immunity

in #science7 years ago

As i said above, the problem is that people do not trust doctors or pharma anymore. I dont blame these christians that you are referring to ( and to be fair i dont think using christians is a good example - there are many different religious beliefs that restrict medical procedures or intervention). Absolutely getting rid of the profit side would be a good start, but in my opinion doctors and pharmacutical companies need to work really hard to repair their damaged reputations. Using neutral scientific researchers, rather than paid for would maybe give people more confidence. Aside from vaccines, a focus on other areas of health would bolster natural immunity. Healthy people are at a lower risk of getting sick in the first place - better, nutritious food; lower stress; eliminate chemicals in the sky/water/environment. Vaccination is one tool in the toolbox, but we rely on them nowadays to stop us getting sick because everything else around is so bad for us.


" but we rely on them nowadays to stop us getting sick because everything else around is so bad for us."

remember smallpox

Yes, and i acknowledged this earlier when i said that initially vaccines were made to do good. But now the smallpox example is used to push every other damn chemical that government or pharma want us to pump into our kids. Have you read anything about the chickenpox vaccine? This one is given to children to prevent a relatively mild infection, but can cause outbreaks of the more severe adult form in immunocompromised people due to the active pathogen in the vaccine. Is this an acceptable risk? I agree that there are certain pathogens that should be protexted against, but jagging your kid with every vaccine going just because the herd mentality says you should is actually less responsible. Btw dont know if youve seen some articles circulating today but bayer vaccines have been found with hiv virus in them - big pharma cannot be trusted!

"but jagging your kid with every vaccine going just because the herd mentality says you should is actually less responsible."

oh yeah sorry I do hope they get smallpox

"but can cause outbreaks of the more severe adult form in immunocompromised people due to the active pathogen in the vaccine" #1 herd immunity, thats the type of person who doesn't get it. #2 the majority of the time it is completely dead or disabled.

"This one is given to children to prevent a relatively mild infection"

you mean one that can kill?

here you might want to watch this lmao

Well done dude, you have shown that you are very good at pulling a single line from a whole comment to try to prove an argument. Im trying to have a reasonable conversation with you and you are throwing hyperbolic one liners back, so i am bowing out. You and some of the other commenters on here should be aware that you will never win people over by calling people stupid or insinuating the fact. Im not watching your video - i understand vaccination, vaccines and immunity thanks - dont need two magicians to go over it.

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