30 Kickass and Amazing Facts About Brain-Part1

in #science7 years ago

Here are 30 Kickass and Amazing Facts About Brain-Part1.

1-5 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. In seasickness, the brain thinks that it is hallucinating from poison ingestion due to in-coordination between eyes and ear canals due to motion. As a defense mechanism, the brain tries to get the “poison” out of the body that makes us throw up. – Source

  2. The brain releases so much dopamine during orgasms that its brain scan resembles that of someone on heroin. – Source

  3. The hypnic jerk or the sudden twitching of the limbs that accompanies a falling sensation while falling asleep is caused by the brain’s misinterpretation of relaxed muscles as falling. The brain sends signals to arm and leg muscles in an attempt to contract them. – Source

  4. The brains of fans of megabrands like Apple respond to them in the same way the brains of people of faith respond to religious imagery. – Source

  5. A neuroscientist from California spent 67 years of his life stereoblind (unable to experience depth perception). It was only after seeing the movie Hugo with 3D glasses that his brain suddenly clicked and he was able to experience 3D vision. – Source

6-10 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. When we look at a clock and the second hand seems to freeze for a moment, our brain actually generates a false memory, and our perception of time stretches slightly backward. This effect is called chronostasis. – Source

  2. Archeologists in Titusville, Florida have discovered a 7,000 year old cemetery at the bottom of a pond. Some of the skulls even contained preserved brain tissue. – Source

  3. In 2009, an Italian neurosurgeon had a heart attack in the middle of performing surgery. He powered through it when he realized his patient would never recover if he stopped. Half an hour after finishing the surgery, Mr. Vitale had an angioplasty.- Source

  4. In 1983, a man with severe OCD shot himself in the head in an attempt to commit suicide. Instead of killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain that was responsible for his OCD. He recovered and went on to become a straight-A college student five years later. – Source

  5. A study has found that our brain perceives people who annoy us as moving slower than they actually are – Source

11-15 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. In the 1950s, a scientist at Tulane University in Louisiana discovered the “pleasure centers” of the brain by zapping it with electricity and in one of his many controversial experiments, gave a woman a 30 minutes’ worth of orgasm by using this method. – Source

  2. There is a little “second brain” in our stomach that is neurologically active and is responsible for feelings like “butterflies in the stomach” and it also has some control over mood and appetite. – Source

  3. Rejection uses the same pathway in the brain as physical pain. Therefore Tylenol is effective in reducing that emotional pain.

  4. Swear words are processed in a separate part of the brain from regular speech and they actually reduce pain. – Source

  5. It is possible to extract images directly from the visual cortex of the brain. – Source

16-20 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. The scientific term for brain freeze is ‘sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia’. What really happens is that the pain receptors in the mouth send signals to the brain; however, the brain misinterprets the signal as coming from forehead because the same nerves also extend to the forehead. This mix up of the source location results in the headache. – Source

  2. Fingers prune underwater not because of them absorbing the water or washing away the oil, but because of an evolutionary trait directed by brain to enhance the grip of your fingers underwater. – Source

  3. In 1929, a man who was conscious while undergoing tumor removal from brain, “burst into a manic flight of puns.” He exhibited typical sound associations, and with every word of the operator broke into a flight of ideas. – Source

  4. Your brain can actually make imaginary monsters when you stare in a mirror. – Source

  5. Your brain burns 20% of your daily calories, despite only being 2% of your body mass. – Source

21-25 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. An estimated one-third of the human population will often sneeze when looking at the sun or any bright source of light. This is due to a genetic trait known as the photic sneeze reflex; a condition described by neurologists as having to do with crossed wires in the brain. – Source

  2. If you pour cold water into a person’s ear, their eyes will move in direction of the opposite ear, if you pour warm water into their ear, their eyes will move towards that same ear. This is used to test for brain damage and is called ‘caloric stimulation’. – Source

  3. Studies have shown that sarcasm enhances one’s problem-solving ability. An inability to understand it however can be an early warning sign of brain disease. – Source

  4. Studies on flies have shown that sleep allows the brain’s synapses to be optimized to prevent the brain from growing too big. – Source

  5. Faking confidence can positively change your brain chemistry and your life – Source

26-30 Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. We sometimes forget why we have entered a room because passing through a door creates an ‘event boundary’ causing the brain to file away what we were just thinking about. – Source

  2. When you tell someone a goal or a thing that you are planning on doing, it chemically satisfies your brain in a manner that is similar to having actually achieved the goal. – Source

  3. Our brain has a Negativity bias causing you to continually look for bad news – Source

  4. The amygdala is a part of the brain that controls fear. If it is removed surgically, you lose any sense of fear. Unfortunately though it also controls the rest of your emotions.- Source

  5. Your brain shuts down your vision during a fast eye motion to prevent motion blur. This is why films like “Cloverfield” make people feel sick. – Source

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