25 Interesting Experiments Scientists are Working On

in #science7 years ago

Here are 25 Interesting Experiments Scientists are Working On.

1-5 Experiments Scientists are Working On

  1. Scientists are currently researching for a drug that dramatically reduces blood alcohol level in the blood, which has the potential to be used to sober people up in a very short time. – Source

  2. USA is researching the possibility of launching marines from space, reaching anywhere on earth within a two hours’ notice. – Source

  3. NASA is researching warp drive technology that could cut the travel time to Alpha Centauri to two-and-a-half weeks – Source

  4. Europe has been experimenting with folding cars to help alleviate problems of urban transportation. – Source

  5. Scientists are working on a technology where the electric cars can change lanes as they drive on it. – Source

6-10 Experiments Scientists are Working On

  1. Scientists in Boston have discovered that it may be possible to learn complex tasks such as mastering the art of Kung-Fu or Piano with little to no conscious effort, just like in The Matrix, but by downloading skills through MRI – Source

  2. Nokia is developing a new charging technology that can harvest radio waves, which would enable the phone to recharge itself while it’s on standby. – Source

  3. There is a plan in place to build an offshore technology hub near San Francisco, but in the international waters, so that anyone can come and work on projects from around the world without the need for a visa. – Source

  4. Scientists are working on a “GPS” that works in space. It will use x-ray’s emitted by pulsars to get a position anywhere, accurate to about 5 km. It’s called XNAV. – Source

  5. Scientists at Harvard have not only slowed down aging in mice before, but have been successful in completely reverse it. – Source

11-15 Experiments Scientists are Working On

  1. Scientists in Nevada are creating a sheep that is part human with the main purpose of producing a source of organs, especially livers, to transplant someday into humans.” – Source

  2. Scientists are on the verge of being able to produce viable, living human organs via 3D bio-printers. – Source

  3. Scientists are developing edible meat grown from stem cells, which they hope soon will replace meat from slaughtered livestock. – Source

  4. Scientists are currently working on a substance that could give anybody the Spiderman’s ability of walking up the walls and ceilings. – Source

  5. A group of Japanese scientists hope to successfully clone a baby mammoth within six years. – Source

16-20 Experiments Scientists are Working On

  1. Scientists are attempting to create a synthetic brain by reverse-engineering the mammalian brain down to the molecular level. A cellular human brain is predicted possible by 2023. It hopes to shed light on human consciousness. – Source

  2. Scientists are developing a method of erasing negative emotional memories (like a break-up) using mild electric shocks to the brain. – Source

  3. Scientists are attempting to recreate dinosaurs by manipulating chicken’s DNA. – Source

  4. Scientists in Mexico have made diamonds out of tequila. – Source

  5. NASA is trying to developing 3D printed pizzas for astronauts. – Source

21-25 Experiments Scientists are Working On

  1. Nokia is developing a phone using nanotechnology that can bend around your wrist and is water and germ repellent. – Source

  2. Chinese researchers have been developing a train called Vactrain that has the potential to reach 5000 mph (six times the speed of sound). – Source

  3. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is developing an unmanned drone that will have a flight duration of 5+ years, code named VULTURE (Very-high altitude, Ultra-endurance, Loitering Theater Unmanned Reconnaissance Element) – Source

  4. Scientists are working on a tube style transportation device, like Futurama’s. It is called the ET3 and would hopefully travel from LA to NYC in an hour. – Source

  5. Scientists have been working on possibly cloning a Neanderthal, but are questioning the risks of putting it into our environment. – Source


Excellent and very informative article. Thanks for sharing, upvote with resteemed @kickassfacts

bonne article merci a vous

je vous en prie, merci

Hi! I am a @rakib05l. I just upvoted and follow you! Impressive!Thanks for the post

Oh thats why i love science !

They all are fantastic but I kinda doubt the mammoth , dinosaurs and thr 3D pizzas fot astronauts

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