#8 Fascinating blog : Do you have the symptoms of ADHD ?

in #science7 years ago

Hey Steemians , Do you get easily distracted or feel inattention with some hyperactivity ? These are the main signs and symptoms of the ADHD so called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder . Pastly over 6.4 million American children have been suffered from this condition. 

It is mainly related to the children and more sufferers have been found lately .It is the most common in childhood and can lead to the stages of adolescents and adulthood also.  

Generally the ADHD is seen with 

  • Not paying attention  (6/9 symptoms for 6 months declare the person suffering from ADHD
  1. Easily distracted on certain work 
  2. Becoming bored more often
  3. Misplacing the items needed for certain ongoing task  
  4. Not focusing on work 
  5. Difficulty in organizing new information and data 
  6. Not listening properly when spoken directly to the face
  7. Daydreaming and become easily confused 
  8. Information processing slowly than the other members of the work 
  9. Difficulty in following the instructions given       

Fig: Not paying attention  (credit)

  • Hyperactivity or overly active and impulsive  (6/9 symptoms for 6 months declare the person suffering from ADHD
  1. Interrupting on others conversation in which they are not part of it 
  2. Trouble in waiting their turn in the games or classroom activities
  3. Outburst of huge anger in certain times and younger with temper tantrum
  4. Fidgetiness
  5. Walk or run or Squirm around the chair or certain objects when forced to sit 
  6. Problem in playing with objects quietly 
  7. Constant movement of certain body parts 
  8. Difficult in memorizing the names and numbers of certain people 
  9. Short attention span 

This condition mainly affects or starts with the children aged between 6-12 years .

So, What causes the ADHD to happen ? 

Mainly there are the two main causes 

  • Environmental cause 
  • Genetic cause 

In the sibilings , if 1 of the member if affected , there is high and increasing chances of other member to develop the symptoms of ADHD. In the twins also , there is more higher chances in suffering .  In some cases these might be absent . The more number of affected gene is considered, the more increasing the severity of disease is and these genes are responsible for the influence of production of the neurotransmitter. 

The neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger in our human body . These are passed from small neurons to neurons. So, in case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , the neurotransmitter such as Dopamine and the Nor-Epinephrine or Nor-adrenaline is absent . These low levels give the outburst of the symptoms of ADHD . 

The Dopamine has the role for pleasure , motion , reward . 

Fig : Dopaminergic Synaps of the neurons  (credit)

It's deficiency causes :

  • Decrease motivation 
  • Fatigue
  • Addictions
  • Mood issues
  • Depression
  • Resting tremor

The decrease in Dopamine if mainly caused by 

  • Excessive caffeine
  • Excessive alcohol
  • Drugs like cocaine 
  • Sugar insulin
  • Stress sugar
  • Adrenal stress
  • Low stomach acids 

The Nor-epinephrine or Nor-adrenaline is for the 3F purpose - Fight, Flight and Fright . 

Fig: Nor-epinephrine synaps  (credit)

It is distributed through out the body. It is generally synthesized from the precursor Dopamine which is mainly generated in the times of arousal and attention . 

Is there a Treatment ? 

Yes, there is a treatment which can be categorized as 

  • Behavioral psychotherapy

For children ,  there should be the hand of both teacher and the parents for the better time management , focusing on the organizational skills like structural routines and various needs . 

For adults, there should be organizational skills and decrease distractions of various works they perform and do . 

  • Medication 

The stimulant are mainly used cause they increase the production and release the neurotransmitter such as Nor-epinephrine and dopamine . They are used in decreasing the symptoms of the ADHD. 

Used of Dextroamphetamine and illict stimulant such as Methamphetamine are used .  

So this is all for today , I will be coming up some more interesting topics later 

With love ,


Very good to bring awareness to this topic. It is a very complex issue and there are so many 'symptoms' as well as ways to handle it.

I have been ADHD my whole life, but never really realised it until very recently. I learned a LOT by reading and listening to an audio book. I link it here in case anyone is interested.


thanks for posting this!

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