
Bummer that you don't like it. Still remember just because this paper makes a convincing argument that the curcumin is not what it was made to be, doesn't mean that there isn't Something in tumeric worth eating. It just isn't what people were claiming it was.

But yeah if you don't like it, doesn't look like there is strong evidence that it's worth forcing yourself to eat. Plenty of other healthy things that ARE beneficial that you can go for instead.

I add 4 spices to some dishes, several times a week: turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper , and garlic. All in powder form. I buy the organic versions if I find them. I don't really taste the turmeric much. I'll probably still use it, just less.

I think ginger is related to turmeric and I wonder if it is as healthy as advertised. The pepper heats me up, which is good in the winter, and is supposed to speed up metabolism a little. Garlic is supposed t be a natural antibiotic, and I do like its taste.

Any other spices that I might add to my mix?

I only use the fresh versions of most of those, cayannes I'm using dried now, but they were fresh when I grew them. :D I don't know of too much that would complement your mix taste wise.

I use a ton of different spices when I cook but I grow herbs because I love the fresh taste. Still only certain things mix well with certain others.

Sage Thyme Rosemary is a great combo (well on roasted potatoes ...Mmmm) but none of those mix into your set of 4 very well.

I don't think I'm much help here...

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