Being A Fan Predisposes You To Biased Retrospective Thinking But NOT Biased Perception During An Event

in #science8 years ago (edited)

This post discusses an article published February 24, 2017 in Nature: Scientific Reports titled "Fandom Biases Retrospective Judgments Not Perception."


We all have things of which we would describe ourselves fans of, but did you know that some research indicates that our attitude toward something has an effect on how we actually perceive it?[2] We all assume that the world is as we observe it to be, but research indicates that may not be the case at all, with our own assumptions actually changing how we perceive the world around us. The fact of the matter is we may actually see what we WANT to see, rather than what truly is. [3]

This is a gif of a kitten sleeping, but you may be perceiving it a bit differently, because you have some sort of weird banana fetish or something

There was a classic study done involving an (american) football match (between Dartmouth and Princeton), where spectators were asked to describe what occurred at the game. What researchers found was that people perceived a variety of different things to have occurred, and each one of those descriptions was quite real to the person who described it. [4] This study was looking at retrospective judgements (judgements after something has happened, looking back on the situation) however the authors of the current article indicate that it is often cited as further evidence for selective perception.

The Study

In this study the authors wanted to determine with increased certainty whether being a fan of something effects not just the persons retrospective judgements, but also perceptions during the event. To do this they monitored participants while they were actively watching a live TV brodcast of the the 2013 UEFA Champions League Final between two German football (soccer) teams Borussia Dortmund (BVB) and FC Bayern München (FCB). (FCB Won that game)

I'm not biassed at all, see I show both teams... oh wait no I don't. Only FCB!

The study was performed with 58 participants, 33 who supported BVB and 25 FCB.



PANAS stands for positive negative affect schedule, and basically the researchers just polled how the participants were feeling. They did this three times (hence the three plots at the right) the top is the beginning of the game, the middle is during the game and the bottom is after the game had ended. BVB fans are in yellow, and FCB fans are in red.

Not shockingly since FCB won, FCB fans were happiest at the end as seen by the bigger red bar for positively affected, and the bigger yellow bar for negatively affected (they were sad that BVB lost). The whole purpose of this was for the researchers to show that the participants were engaged in the game, and biased toward the team they were claiming to be fans of. So check that off the list, these participants are biased.

But What About Biases In Perception?

Eye Movements

The first aspect of perception that the researchers monitored were the movements of the eyes of the participants as they watched the match. Eye movements, according to the researchers are representative of not only the stimulus of what is going on, during the match but also the attitudes. [5] So they compared the eye movements of both sets of fans against each other:

The yellow trace is the average of BVB fans eye movements, while the red trace is the average of the FCB fans eye movements. The grey traces are the opposing fans eye movements overlaid for comparison. This data showed through statistical analysis that there was no significant difference between the eye movements of the two sets of fans during the recorded period. Based upon this the authors concluded that perception of an event is NOT biased by being a fan.

But Retrospective Thinking Is Influenced?

The participants were asked how much each team participated in the game (ball control, more scoring chances etc..) after the fact (10-12 days after the game)

Here we see that BVB's performance was rated more highly by BVB fans, and FCB's performance was viewed more highly by FCB fans (despite the fact that both fans watched the game and knew FCB won). So being a fan biases your memory of the game in favor of the team you support, regardless of outcome.

This All Seems Like Common Sense?

You may be asking, why the hell did people even study this, of course these are the results, this is common sense. Ah HA! You must remember however that a number of studies have previously been published indicating that peoples biases color how they perceive events while they are occurring, in addition to how they remember them. This study argues that in this case (fandom of a sports team) that isn't the case, only your memories down the line are biased. Everyone views the same game, in the same way.

So What Do You Think?

Do our biases color how we witness situations? Is what I observe different from what you observe (dependent on you and I having different biases of course)? Or do you think we all observe the same world in the same way, and the other studies indicating bias' influence on our perception were possibly flawed (as indicated by the study here)?



All Non Cited Images Are From And Are Available Under Creative Commons Licenses Or From The Original Research Article From Nature: Scientific Reports Which Allows For Re-production Of Figures Under A Creative Commons License.

Any Gifs Are From and Are Also Available for Use Under Creative Commons Licences

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First of all great post! Now my opinion on this matter is the human stupidity=egoism=iam better
Nearly everyone has it but in different amounts and its something you can form and change in your lifespan. What i mean if i take the above example is that everyone want their team to win in order for him/her to feel kind of winner too. If you read studies the common brain cant accept ''defeat'' and try in some way to change that for example again in the football section, the BVB fans 100% i bet would say ohhh that was a foul , that was a penalty , the referee got money from the other team etc etc

If you take what i said above in everyday life the same exits everywhere
I believe in that god and you believe the other or in none but i am right you are wrong ( cause if he admits that my god doesnt exist then the 10-20-30-50years beliefs will be a lie and i dont want to look like a loser)
same with politics, i believe in some people and i will try and ''prove'' that those people i vote are the best m or at least there are worst than these so again i wont be feeling like a loser or that i dont know what i am doing cause in my mind i am important and i have a prestige or an image to maintain

Something like this i believe is happening and its my opinion, sorry for the english :p i hope you get what i am saying

I get what you are saying :)

I agree that not wanting to admit defeat must play a role in why people maintain biases.

Thanks for reading and your reply of course! :D

Actually I would have expected to see an even bigger difference concerning the perception of FCB and BVB fans.
If for example there was a game between two national teams where one of them got awarded a disputed penalty, then I would have guessed that > 90 % of the compatriots of the favored team would agree that "of course" it was a clear penalty (how can one dare to doubt at all?) whereas > 90 % of the supporters of the other team would probably say the penalty was a clearly wrong decision the ball touched the hand only accidentally or the opponents striker did go to down intentionally to pretend there was a foul.
I have no statistical sources for my claim now (also I didn't seek) but I often follow discussions in different international soccer forums and notice the big differences of the perception of such sports events depending on where I read ...

This is a good point, I agree.

I wonder what the study would have seen in their monitoring of eye movement in the event of a major penalty.

Whoops, corrected misspelling. There are probably more, will re-read and edit periodically.

Anyone who doesn't edit typos found after posting every now and then is either lazy or too damn good to be a mere Steemian blogger.

Thanks, I have the hardest time catching stupid mistakes. My brain fills stuff in when I read it. Only after stepping away and reading periodically do things become apparent! :)

It's an inevitable consequence of editing your own work.

I feel with you. I have to say that nearly never I manage to write any text without to find at least a small typo, a wrong number or anything else after I have submitted it (especially here where I am using a foreign language all the time). This, combined with the fact that I would call myself a perfectionist doesn't make things more easy. :)

Well I will say that you do a great job especially considering the fact that you are writing in a second language.

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