Why Am I A Physics Major: A Tribute to Stephen Hawking

in #science7 years ago

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Here on Steemit I have posted a lot about the Universe, Gravity, Stars and Physics in general. My love for Physics wasn’t always there. It grew through time and one of the greatest scientists that have ever stepped foot on this planet, Stephen Hawking, has been one of the biggest reasons why my love for Physics particularly Astronomy has turned from a spark into a real flame. It was when I saw a documentary of Stephen Hawking addressing the origin of the Universe and if God made a role in its creation entitled “Curiosity with Stephen Hawking Did God Create The Universe

Stephen Hawking is a very famous cosmologist and is considered as one of the most well-known and ground breaking scientists of the century who made great contributions to Science and Cosmology. Because of Stephen Hawking’s huge contributions to Science, I became deeply interested on his life story. Fortunately a movie came out entitled “The Theory of Everything” which was mainly about Stephen Hawking's life Story. Without any hesitations I made sure I would be able to watch it. Hoping that I would know a lot of things about his works and the brilliance of Stephen.

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The movie focused more on Stephen Hawking’s love life and affairs. In the movie his fairy tale love story with his wife Jane Wilde ended when Stephen had an affair with his caregiver who was Elaine Mason but their love affair also ended in 2006. Apparently Stephen Hawking’s love life and marriage wasn’t the most successful but he has definitely become a big inspiration to a lot of people. This is because despite suffering from a motor-neuron disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) he was able to give huge contribution to modern Science. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord which makes a person unable to move and through time this condition becomes worse. Stephen's disability is very rare and he was first diagnosed of having one at the age of 21 and wasn’t expected to last more than 25 years old. This disability has slowed him down physically making him not able to move and talk. In the year 1985 Stephen Hawking completely lost the ability to talk and had to communicate through a Text-to-Speech Technology developed by Intel in 1997.

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Despite the disability that deteriorated Stephen Hawking’s body, it never slowed his genius and curious mind. He was still able to give valuable contributions to Science and to the World.

Here is a list of some of the biggest contributions that Stephen Hawking made:

  • Excellent work on singularities
  • Co-discovered the four laws of black hole mechanics
  • Contributed to the theory of cosmic inflation
  • Came up with the theory that black holes emit a radiation (Hawking radiation)
  • Proposed a model on universe’s initial state with James Hartle
  • Proposed a theory of “top-down cosmology” with Thomas Hertog
  • Wrote Best selling books such as:
    • A Brief History of Time (best seller)
    • Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays,
    • The Universe in a Nutshell
    • The Grand Design
    • My Brief History (autobiography)

It is definitely amazing what Stephen Hawking was able to do despite going through a lot in his health and personal life. Today, March 14, 2018 marks one of the saddest days of this inflating Universe. The death of a genius, one of the biggest mind and contributor of modern science, Stephen Hawking. His amazingness will definitely transcend through time and just like the other Science Heroes like Newton, Einstein, Galilei and the list goes on. Stephen Hawking will definitely be remembered. Stephen Hawking definitely inspired a lot of young minds to venture the realm of Physics. For one is a proof of that. Rest now our Hero. Be at peace now Stephen Hawking.

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A sad day indeed @johnrel, but at least he could rest already. His works and contributions to this world live on!

I totally agree @raquelita... His contributions have always had me more interested about the Universe... May he get answers to his questions left unanswered now that he has left Earth.

He truly was the best!

He did so much for the hummanity! Hope he can rest in piece!

Yesss @t-miles... I hope his questions will be answered wherever he is now

I've never understood why he was so popular... Can someone explain me, please?

The post shouldve answered that. He had contributed a lot of things to Science despite sufferering from a motor-nueron disease ASL. There is actually a movie about his life The Theory of Everything. You can check that out

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