An Invisible and Impenetrable Shield: The Science of Force Fields

in #science7 years ago (edited)

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I love science fiction and I love fantasy. I just find it amazing how creative people are and the possibilities we can think of. But the most fascinating aspect for me is the possibility of these fictional stuffs to become actually realities. If you aren’t a fan of science fiction or fantasy movies I believe at some point you have actually seen one. Watching these movies, we usually see an invisible and impenetrable shield used by heroes, villains or militaries in science fiction movies, they are called force fields. Force fields are definitely one of the most common concept, you can find it on almost all fictional movies from Ben 10, The Incredibles and even Fantastic 4. With the commonality of this force on different movies, is it possible to have them in real life? That’s what we are going to discuss on this post. We are going to talk on how possible it is to harness force fields based on the write-ups of Michiu Kaku. Yeah I guess you would know by now that my professor in college made us do a lot of write-ups on the possibilities of the impossibilities on Michiu Kaku’s book “Physics of the Impossible” and this post will be about Force Fields.

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The Four Forces That Rule Our Universe

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Who haven’t heard Gravity?

Gravity is definitely the most known force in the Universe. This force is an attractive force and is never repulsive. This is what keeps the heavenly bodies such as stars and planets in motion and in the same time prevents them from disintegrating. Gravity basically holds everything together including galaxies. Through a super massive black hole Gravity is the force that attracts the stars, dusts, planets and other heavenly bodies to clump and form a galaxy which I explained on my previous post HERE.

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Here on Earth, we know it as the force that keeps us on the ground. Without gravity, we would literally flung off the Earth and would travel through space at a high speed and of course die a horrific death. Gravity is actually a weak force, weak but constant and has infinite range. It is easy to counteract the force of gravity, by just preventing a feather from falling to the ground and holding it with your fingers. Do you know that by just holding the feather we are able to counteract the gravity of the Earth which weighs 6 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Kilograms. Isn’t that amazing? I feel like a super hero with that Hahaha.

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Well, you are able to read this post essentially because of this force. This is the force that lights up our electronics; TV, computers, cellphones, laptops, radios and etc. It is the one that makes our days and nights alive lighting up homes, hospitals, restaurants, bars, cities and whatnot. Unlike gravity, Electromagnetism (EM) can be both attractive and repulsive. This force perhaps is the most useful force that humans have ever discovered. However this force can easily be penetrated using insulators. A plastic bottle can easily pass through a strong Electromagnetic force thus this force doesn’t resemble one that’s like how we imagine a force field which is impenetrable.

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Weak Nuclear Force

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The weak force, as its name states is weak but relatively stronger than gravity. However unlike gravity which has an infinite range, weak force can only act at a very short distance, actually only at a subatomic level responsible for radioactive decay. Weak Force plays a crucial role in keeping stars and the universe lit up.

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Strong Nuclear Force

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As its name implies it is indeed a strong force, the strongest among the four forces actually. However its force has the shortest range among the four as well acting at a subatomic level like the weak force.

As we know a nucleus of an atom contains proton (positively charged), electron (negatively charged), and neutron (neutral or not charge). We are taught that opposite charges attract and same charges repel. Now all nucleus of all elements except hydrogen (1 proton and electron) has more protons than electrons. With these fact, a nucleus should disintegrate because of the repulsive forces that these protons exert on each other, but why do nuclei stay together? That is the job of strong nuclear force, basically it is the force that keeps the subatomic particles of a nucleus together.

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Now where is Force Field? Does it exist? Can it be harnessed from the four fundamental forces of the Universe?

First, gravity is too weak and only attractive, force fields have a repulsive characteristics to repel bullets or other objects. Electromagnetic Force is penetrable, insulators can go through electrical forces without any problem. For Weak and Strong Forces, they only act at subatomic levels and we need force fields that can be practically used. But is there another force apart from these four? There have been attempts to discover a fifth force but have yielded negative results but that doesn’t mean there isn’t. There could be other forces that are still yet to be discovered. But is there a way to at least mimic the capabilities that a force field can do? Let’s find out

Possibilities of Having Force Fields

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Force field does not fit with the four forces that we know; Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Force and Strong Force. The concept of force field was discovered by Faraday, this discovery led him to other great discoveries he had made. However, force field described in sci-fi movies remains to be stuck in those sci-fi movies. This kind of force still does not exist in the real world but the existence of this kind of force is not impossible for we might find loopholes with the known laws of physics. If this force cannot be anchored naturally in nature its characteristics and capabilities can be simulated through a multilayered shield, consisting of plasma windows, laser curtains, carbon nanotubes, and photochromatics. The outer layer could be a supercharged plasma window, heated to temperatures high enough to vaporize metals. A second layer could be a curtain of crisscrossing high-energy laser beams that would create a lattice that could vaporize objects that would pass through it. After this crisscrossing laser curtain one could put up a lattice made of "carbon nanotubes," tiny tubes made of individual carbon atoms that are multiple times stronger than steel. Assuming that carbon nanotubes can be woven into a lattice, we could create a screen of enormous strength, capable of repelling any kind of material. The screen would be invisible, because each carbon nanotube is atomic in size. So with the combination of plasma window, laser curtain, and carbon nanotube screen, one might imagine creating an invisible wall that would be nearly impenetrable like that one of a force field.

Plasma Window
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Laser Curtain
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Carbon Nanotubes
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But actually, since this multilayered shield is transparent even this shield could not completely fulfill all the properties of a science fiction force field yet, because it wouldn't be able to stop or deflect a laser beam. Using this multilayered shield in a battle with laser cannons, would be non-sense. But we could find a way to stop a laser beam, we only need to add one more element to it and that is an advanced form of "photochromatics". This is the process used in sunglasses. With photochromatics, your sunglasses would automatically darken when exposed to UV radiation. Photochromatics can exist in two states; transparent and opaque. At first it is in a transparent state and turns opaque when exposed to UV radiation. If we are able to make a layer using photochromatic that can turn the multilayered shield from transparent to opaque, we would be able to deflect laser beams as well as particle beam or cannon fire however at present we don't have photochromatics that has the ability to deflect user beams yet.

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Besides deflecting and stopping objects or laser beams another purpose of force field in science fiction is to serve as a platform to defy gravity, a "hover board", which resembles a skateboard floating over streets. If you have watched Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, the device would look similar to the hover board used by the silver guy.

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This kind of device is still impossible with the laws of physics we have today. But we wouldn't be that far to making that to reality if we would be able to create "room temperature superconductors". Superconductors are materials cooled at very low temperatures making them have zero electrical resistance. With such technology we would be able to levitate objects using the power of magnetic force fields. If we place two bar magnets next to each other with both north poles facing each other, the two magnets will repel each other (If we face north and south they will attract). Using this principle, we can lift enormous weights off the ground. A lot of advanced countries are building advanced magnetic levitation trains (maglev trains) that hover just above the railroad tracks using ordinary magnets. Because they have zero friction, they can travel at record-breaking speeds, floating over air.

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If the power of force field can actually be realized the way it was described in science fiction, we might be able to see a city with cars, trains, bridges, windows, roads, houses etc. made up of force field. We can levitate whenever we want. And also our defense system would be a lot stronger because we will be impenetrable. However this possible scientific advancement like the ones we have now might also have its drawbacks. It may bring harm and benefit to us but just like any other discoveries and inventions, great or small, their effects are defined by how we use them.

What about you? What do you think will be the positives and the negatives if force fields were to be real??

Comment below and let's discuss about it ;)


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Aawwweee thank youu definitely gonnna check on you;)

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