These questions might hurt you - But is our Earth really spherical? 21 basic questions.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Frankly, I was never really interested in this topic for many years. But few months ago I saw some videos, later on some others and today I'm the one who is going to present this topic to you as I find it very interesting and mind blowing.

Image: Spherical Earth

Are you serious?

We have 21st century, right? Thinking about flat earth seems to be more crazy and useless than anything else I can imagine. Yes... and NO. What? You gotta be kidding me!

It's not the first time when a seemingly crazy theory was proved as truth and mainstream "truth" theory was proven to be false. I've experienced this several times and it's always the same.

Battle with indoctrination

First stage - ignorance and denial
Second stage - doubts and what ifs?
Third stage - studying and fighting
Fourth stage - victory of evidence

Of course you can give up during any of these stages. But if you are a seeker you will not.

Image: Flat Earth

Flath Earth 21 questions

Check this video below, it summarizes many fundamental questions related to this topic:

  • Where is the edge?
  • Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
  • What is underneath the flat earth?
  • What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
  • What about all the pictures of the Earth
  • Why are all the other planets round?
  • What about satellites & GPS?
  • Is outer space even real?
  • How is circumnavigation possible on a flat earth?
  • How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
  • What about seasons?
  • What about gravity?
  • What about Coriolis effect?
  • Why can't I see infinitely far?
  • Is the flat Earth religious thing?
  • Is the flat Earth society behind the resurgence of the flat Earth?
  • Are all scientists, pilots & members of government in on it?
  • NASA isn't the only space program, are all the others in on it too?
  • Who is responsible for this deception?
  • Why the lie?
  • What's it mean if the Earth is flat?

Check the document

Do we have any undeniable proof that the Earth is really spherical?

Unfortunately, I haven't seen any undeniable evidence that the Earth is really spherical. Actually, after going through a lot of evidence, Flat Earth Model makes much more sense. And yeah, it seems we are fighting in a conspiracy environment here. Do you know any undeniable evidence for spherical Earth? Please share.


@anarchyhasnogods - hey bro, why are you constantly giving flags to my posts? If you wish to argue, then argue, if you just don't like my posts, then just ignore them. For flags you should have some serious reasons. Please elaborate.

You haven't seen any undeniable evidence? Are you joking?
How can you disregard every single fact we know from space? What, those rockets they shoot into space are not real?
I bet you're a creationist too...

Unfortunately, I'm serious. I have sad news for you. I never questioned anything about major knowledge and was thinking like you. My position for these theories was: "Are you joking?" (looks familiar? ) Thing is, more you study and question provided evidence with critical thinking you will be more than surprised. If you are brave enough you can also re-validate given evidence risking to find out you were lied or at least mistaken? Hint: You can start with NASA images from Moon.

Oh man, you're delusional.
But ok, I'll bite into your insanity. You saw the red bull dude make the highest ever parachute jump. Everything is filmed from start to finish. Did you see a flat earth?
Right, case closed. This is just one of thousands upon thousand of examples. Oh and physics. You know, those pesky inconvenient truths such as mathematics and stuff? Also a lie from NASA?

Oh look, that horizon is curved. Awkward!

Well, everyone can be wrong. What I'm trying to point here is a lot of so called official stories and "evidence" doesn't make any sense. Your image can be easily fabricated, it's no proof. Even if you have "real" video from significant height it depends what lens you are using because some lens can give you curvature due to its optical properties. What should wake you up is when NASA release one so called "evidence" and then it release another and these two contradicts each other. Obvilously at least one (if not both) is fabricated. If you know howto work with graphics, take some NASA pictures do some tests and you can convince yourself. If you know physics, do your own math.

I'm sorry but this discussion hurts my brain from the stupidity. If you want to disregard reality and believe in magic, be my guest. I'll keep trusting empirical evidence, physics, and rationality

@menta: You're close minded and indoctrinated but that's fine because it's your decision. If you change your mind, first re-validate all evidence from all sides before taking any position. One more quote for you:

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. (Nikola Tesla)

Wow, you obviously don't know me. I'm the exact opposite. Sadly enough, you are the delusional party here. But that's ok, we need crazies as much as sane, rational people. Always makes for a good laugh!

Oh and please don't drag the great Nikola Tesla through the mud with insinuating that he thought the earth was flat. That is pulled out of its context. Tesla was one of the greatest minds in history, and he would be laughing his ass reading all of this nonsense. He was VERY much aware that the earth was round.

@menta: Don't be that serious. We are just talking. I'm humble enough to admit I don't know how everything works, ok? I'm not saying Nikola Tesla thought Earth is Flat. I don't know if Earth is flat. I even added video here confirming Earth curvature. I'm just saying many things doesn't fit "the official version". I have a problem with people who are saying "Earth is spherical. Period." no more talks about it even if we know that not everything fits. My hope is that people open their mind and bring some other possibilities that would fit better. For example Earth rotation doesn't make sense at all to me. It's just too crazy idea (from a mechanical point of view) with many nonsense assumptions. Have a good day.

One more great video to the topic:

Finally, I've found something that at least somewhat reliably supports earth curvature. It doesn't say if what shape of the Earth is but at least it proves expected curvature between two places. Kudos to the author:

You and I can both sit here and wait for them to try to combat actual mathematics, or attempt how to explain gravity, but we both know that there's little hope on convincing someone who refuses to do research outside of their confirmation bias. You could lift them to space and they still wouldn't believe you. The less attention you give them, the faster they'll move on to some other kind of recreational outrage that's hopefully less damaging for humanity.

I don't think so. Regardless to this topic, in general, it's good when people join the party and start to think and question various ideas and theories rather than accept all pre-created ideas created by who knows who. In the end they can accept the original idea, that's not a problem because it will not be a blind acceptance, but some re-validated experience. And who knows maybe they will bring some better idea which follows reality much better than the original model. Thinking that I'm not scientists so I cannot think about these things is that same like thinking I'm not a priest and so I cannot know God.

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