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RE: Adventures in Colorado ~ Crestone Dust Storm

in #science6 years ago

Great post @eaglespirit


I have a story to go with yours.
In 1976, I'd graduated Tech School in the AirForce
(Wichita Falls Tx), drove home
To Ga with a friend and his wife and kid
(they were from Hawaii
And couldn't afford to go home for the leave.)
They came to my home and spent leave with me in Ga.
I had TDY/ more school at Vandenburg in Ca, which was also his
Next duty station. Our drive took us along I-10 from Tucson and Phoenix Az to Cali.
Between Tucson and Phoenix, we had to drive through a 'haboob' which is what your video looks like. The wind was coming 90° across the highway from the left;
I had to keep my wheel turned like I was
Making a turn to counteract the force of the wind.
My friend and his wife were in the car directly behind us.
At one point, there was a particularly strong gust.
Later, when we stopped, my left tail light, the red plastic lens cover was gone! My friend said he'd seen it get SUCKED right out and go tumbling off into the blowing dust and sand.


Hi @jerrytsuseer, I did look the haboob up and it is a type of dust storm that seems to be mixed in with a thunderstorm. Also, the haboob does not appear to be part of the Colorado ecosystem. That said, so many changes have occurred within the earth that anything is possible. What a great story and were you nervous at all? What did you all do, did you just keep on driving and for how long? I guess being in the Air Force and possibly a pilot you may not get nervous over these little gusts of wind. LOL

Glad to hear from you and I hope all is well!

Well, first off, I was young, 10 ft tall and bullet proof, second, I was a missile man; I worked underground, but that was only AFTER I completed my training... at this point I was just
Young. Possibly brave.
Yes, we both just kept on driving, we were on a deadline and had to report into our next
About a month later in Cali I got a ticket for driving with a missing tail light cover. That bloody
Piece of plastic was about $50! which was a LOT of money in 1976, was for me anyway.
Did you ever get your dTube troubles figured out? I gave up with them. I just found dMania, which seems at first to be a thing to post videos (among other things) I've only don't one.
Once posted, it can only be viewed in dMania, so that is a drawback. My one little post
Has gotten exactly one upvote since I posted it two days ago. :(

10 ft tall LOL
Bulletproof LOL
Missile interesting!
Underground ... yikes!
Brave is always good.
Okay regarding the continued drive.
Why didn't you buy that colored tape? $2. LOL
I have not yet figured dTube, it has gotten worse. I cannot even load the new one up, just a blank page. SMH.
so can we click dMania video in Steemit? I'll go check yours out. I hate the 1 upvote posts, good thing you make more on all your others!

I may have to just create a new post for it.
You should check out my mama's story I've been posting these last few days.
If you like @eaglespirit

Sure thing, as soon as I respond to all my comments and post another blog. LOL!

One other thing @eaglespirit after cali, I was STATIONED in Tucson for almost 6 yrs, lived there altogether for 7, from '76-'82...I heard stories of cars, parked in the desert, which after one of these events, would be sand blasted down to the metal on the windward side, but untouched on the other side.

Holy C, blasted down to the metal? That is crazyyyyyyyy

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