The Sumerian Story – Genesis to Revelations

in #science8 years ago

 Let this article act as a brief ancient history lesson for those who have no background regarding the Anunnaki, and human history’s distant beginning. Enki, though brilliant, was a spoiled child, jealous of his brother Enlil, and wanting a kingdom of his own. When Nibiru was faced with the crisis of loss of atmosphere, and the Anunnaki decided to mine gold here to re-seed their atmosphere, Enki saw it as an opportunity to grab power. Enki fomented a worker revolt, knowing that he could use Nibiru’s emergency to force the Council to accept anything.

 Enki wanted a world filled with slaves that he could rule over, which is something neither the Council nor the Anunnaki would have ever allowed, but Enki was shrewd… Enki convinced the Council that Nibiru would die if the gold seeded atmospheric shield was delayed, he convinced them that the workers would not return to duty (they were following his orders, since he was in charge of the mining operation), he convinced the Council that the only solution was to create a “non-sentient” species out of the highest order ape available to do the labor, but make them incapable of reproduction, so they would naturally die off. The Council saw no alternative, so they reluctantly and conditionally agreed, and they allowed Enki to carry out the plan, but Enki pulled a fast one, and gave the new species the ability to breed (Enki wanted a permanent stock of slaves for his planned kingdom). Enki went even further, and didn’t just manipulate the ape’s DNA, but he actually infused Anunnaki DNA into the mix, this would give him slaves that he would also find “attractive”, and acceptable to be in the company of. Enki did this both in the laboratory, and also by allowing his loyal striking workers to inseminate the females he created (Genesis 6), which led to the “Nephilim”. When Lord Anu and his son Lord Enlil learned of this treachery, Enlil was sent to Earth to correct his brother’s sin against the universe (The Anunnaki have a very strong moral code). Enlil (RayEl) took over on Earth, and brought Enki to justice, but it was too late, Enki had created several abominable and potentially dangerous seedlines, all without an Anunnaki spirit, and without Anunnaki morals and virtues. These were savage slaves that resembled the Anunnaki, but were violent ‘beasts’.   

  The Council decided that such an abomination must never be allowed to progress, because they would be a cancerous infestation to the universe, and a danger to any other species they encountered. But because of Anunnaki morals, the genocide of a “related” race was nearly unthinkable, so they decided to let a natural event destroy this abomination. They knew that Nibiru’s next close pass by Earth, would cause massive flooding, wiping out the abomination… They decided to let it happen. Enki didn’t want to lose this opportunity to have a kingdom of his own, so he went against the orders of the Council, and protected segments of his created beings from the flood. When the Council learned of this, they were livid, and Enki paid a price for his treachery, but this left a growing species that was still as dangerous as ever. Satan (a Reptilian) petitioned the Council to eradicate Man, so the threat would be contained, but Man’s true savior, Lord Enlil (RayEl), fought against Satan in front of the Council on behalf of Man. Enlil argued that Man was “part Anunnaki”, and therefore possessed the “divine spark”, and if properly educated and nurtured, they could one day be equals. Satan vehemently disagreed, asserting that a species cannot be taught to have morals, that the law of love is either written in their hearts, or it is not. The Council found logic in both sides of the argument, and offered a compromise. Since Satan was Man’s chief accuser, he and his people would be allowed to utilize part of Enlil’s plan to educate, but at the same time, weed out those that would not be capable of evolving. The plan would give Satan a set amount of time to fulfill this directive, after which he was to hand over the Earth to its rightful custodians, the Anunnaki. At which point those that were considered “evolvable”, would be educated and nurtured under the Anunnaki for a period of 1000 years, before becoming full and free members of the Council themselves. All sides reluctantly agreed, but Satan did not believe that Man should ever be allowed into the universe, and he developed a very cruel system to cause Man to live-die-live-die, and be trapped in this cycle, so that Man would forget the lessons he had learned, and he would have to start from scratch after each incarnation. Satan then created a group to dominate Man, giving them the knowledge Man lost between incarnations. This group was given an infusion of Reptilian DNA, so they would be more intelligent, and less compassionate, and thus better equipped to dominate the Anunnaki seedline (HU-Man).   

 When Lord Enlil learned of this, he went before the Council, stating that “This is no better than what Enki did!” The Council disagreed, stating that Man was most likely going to be destroyed anyway, so if Satan needed to do something “unconventional”, that may help accelerate Man’s progress, what’s the harm? The harm was lesser Anunnaki souls, being tortured in a death-rebirth cycle, that was not going to fulfill the plan of Man’s evolution… Lord Enlil took matters into his own hands. Lord Enlil had a ‘staging area’ set up on a planet within the Anunnaki Empire, where souls could come between lifetimes, have their past life reviewed and recorded, and then have them returned to Earth for their next incarnation, this ensured that the lessons of each lifetime would not be lost, and that the memories could be reinfused if necessary, so each person would have the total value of all of their life lessons, gained over all of the lifetimes. He then had to open a path for these souls to escape Earth upon death, so they could come to the staging area… This is why he came to Earth 2000 years ago as the Christ, to open the light tunnel, and save the souls of Man. Lord Enlil has incarnated more than once here, to ensure that Man’s path remains on course to apotheosis. 


The first sentence got me really stoked to learn about Sumerian history before this article immediately took a turn for the absolutely batshit crazy. I mean it's kind of entertaining, but if you really believe any of this you should do everything in your power not to have children.


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