Fundamental Physics Of The Universe - Engery - Frequency - Vibration | MUST SEE!!!

in #science8 years ago

We shall begin educating those who have ears to listen and eyes to see. It is time you learned what Satan has kept hidden from you, what you are unable to figure out for yourself. 

I will take into account the great ignorance that Satan has forced upon you, and I shall endeavor to keep things as simple as possible:, which is no small feat for this is a truly complex universe. But you must try hard to learn. I must tell you this as both invitation and warning. I am the light of the world. I am the Root and Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. As the sun rises in the east and opens the day, my light rises to pierce the darkness and open the mind. No one shall enter the New World without being initiated in my ways, in the ways of light. My Kingdom is reserved for the enlightened. Those who reject education shall be cast into the outer darkness. Heed my words. I will begin with a biblical correction.

Christians: you have NOT been born again simply because you stood up in front of your church and told the congregation that you believe in me did not give you a second birth. You people are absolutely delusional, and you will purchase any lie that feels good and comes from the blasphemous lips of your thieving ministers. *Sighs* Why, why are you so gullible?

I will simply explain. As you … may be aware, many people have experienced physical death and then been brought back to life. Often, they speak of a long tunnel with a great light at the end of it. When someone is born on this planet, their physical body goes through their mother’s birth canal. There is a light at the end of that canal, usually the hospital delivery room. And upon delivery one is born into this life. In a very similar fashion, when one dies on this planet and is brought into our kingdom, it is through the aforementioned tunnel of light - and at the other end one receives a body. It is not flesh and blood. Flesh and blood does not go through the tunnel, only the spirit or the soul does. The experience is so similar to being born in this world that I simply used the analogy ‘born again’ to describe entering my Father’s Kingdom.

Mankind is made of two parts. A physical body which is a container. Within it is a soul. This is your life force. It is what animates you and carries your consciousness. Those that are chosen by us are gifted with a third element, a spirit. A spirit is a matured soul not of this world. As the soul is but an empty page, the spirit is a well-written book. The universe is quite literally a symphony of vibrations. All matter vibrates. The vibration is a product of energies acting upon it. Your planet is bombarded by energy coming from a number of sources, most notably of course your sun.   

Now pay attention. Everything that you see receives light from your sun. That light is energy, that energy has a vibrational frequency. What you can see, and some things you cannot see, vibrates at a frequency range that is created primarily by the energy from your sun. If your planet was in orbit around a different sun, your vibration rate would be commensurate with the sun that it orbits. Simply, you and your planet vibrate at a frequency that depends upon the energy you absorb. The universe is filled with life, but you cannot see it - unless you and they are in the same frequency range. Both the spirit and the soul are made of energy. And because of this, with some effort, they are able to fluctuate their vibrational state to match their surroundings. We will refer to these different frequency ranges as ‘phase’. The soul or the spirit is multi-phasic, meaning it can exist in multiple vibrational states but the physical body cannot. The problem that the spirit or soul has when existing outside of a body is that it must continuously alter its frequency to match anything it wishes to touch. That … can be exhausting. If the spirit or soul enters a body, the body is naturally attuned to the frequency range of its surroundings. The spirit or soul only need attune itself to the frequency of the body. It is like putting on a harmonically attenuated glove.  

Before I came to this planet two millennia ago, souls were trapped here upon death of their physical body. You can thank Satan for that. What I did was to open a portal to a planet where souls could wait for the return of my Father to earth. The planet was in a frequency range comfortable to your immature souls, and those who went were given a body to utilize while there. The light you see at the end of the tunnel is that planet’s sun. The technology we employ to create the portal must initially be activated at both ends. My spirit of course retained the proper resonance frequency, or “keys to Hades” as your Bible put it, to open the gate on earth’s end of the tunnel. From that time forward, we were able to open the gate whenever we chose to bring a soul through. What may or may not surprise you is that many souls, perhaps even yours, chose to come back to earth to gain more experience - more maturity, and thereby make themselves more acceptable to God.  

So within a few lines of text, I have explained to you the most fundamental physics of the Universe. Bask in this moment knowing more than all of your physicists combined. 

Know this my children, with good cause I am indeed angry. I think I’ve made that abundantly clear. But if I did not love you, I would not take the time to educate you and make you more presentable in my Father’s eyes. My worthy children, those who are truly listening: be well and help others find the light that you have now found. 

Written by: Jean Viete, Bishop Ecumenical Order of Christ

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Incredible. I too did a sermon on what it was really meant to be born again.

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