KIDNEY: diseases, causes, symptoms and treatment

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Every human being as a kidney and it's in our best interest we know more about our kidney tighten your sit belt and let's ride.


The kidney

The kidney functions as
an excretory organ which removes nitrogenous waste.

  • regulator: it regulates the water potential in the blood which is controlled by anti-diarette hormone.
  • maintains the acid base balance on the plasma.
    (The regulator mechanism which maintains the water, salt and ph balance of the blood occur at the distal tubules and collecting ducts)
  1. water balance: on cold days we excrete a large amount of dilute urine while on hot days we excrete small amount of concentrated urine. This is because the kidney regulates the amount of water excreted in the urine in order to keep the osmotic pressure normal. when the solute concentration of the blood rises due to eating too much salt, drinking little water or profuse sweating, It results in an increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood. This is detected by osmoreceptors in the brain and it sends nerves impulses to stimulate the release of anti-durette hormones, (ADH) from the posterior pituary gland.

A.D.H is carried by the blood to the kidneys and this causes an increase in the reabsorption of water by tubules into the blood stream.

Thirst: it is a sensation that indicates the need for intake to regulate the osmotic pressure of blood.

Control of blood sodium and ph levels

when the concentration of blood sodium is higher than normal, the excess is excreted. if it is lower than, more sodium ion are reabsorbed. The hormone Aldosterone secreted in the adrenal cortex regulates this process by inhibiting or stimulating the secretions at the distal tubules and collecting ducts. The hormone stimulates the active uptake of sodium ion from the filtrate into the blood.

Blood ph is 7.4 when the blood is all aline, it's ph is adjusted by excreting hydrogen ions at the distal tubules. when the blood is slightly acidic, hydrogen ion is excreted hence the urine is acidic

Diseases of the kidney

Glomerular Nephritis: occurs commonly in children and adolescents


Bacteria infection (streptococcal)


Glomeruli becomes inflamed increasing the porosity of the membrane and allows proteins and red blood cells to leak into the glomerular filtrate when large numbers of white blood cells and dead tissue cells collected in the inflamed glomeruli and sometimes can totally block the blood flow and fill the Bowman's capsule


In most cases, the swelling comes down and the kidney can work well while in few cases part of the glomeruli becomes blocked permanently and the tubules associated with the glomeruli degenerates

Dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed sometimes.


Kidney stones can be found in the urinary tract and passed out in the urine.


low or insufficient intake of water

high salt intake or acidic urine


since they are produced when mineral salts are retained in the urine, they are highly concentrated and form tiny crystal that can be passed our with urine. they sometimes obstruct the flow of urine in the tubules and can lead to bacteria infections


  1. use of drugs which dissolves the kidney stones

  2. changes in diet low intake of food rich in oxalate and calcium

  3. Drinking of plenty water

  4. in severe cases surgery is advised.


This occurs when individuals leave excess volume of highly diluted urine. inability of the kidney tubules to reabsorb the filtrate.


intense thirst

increased urine pass out





certain beverages such as coffee tea and alcohol. increase urine production

this condition is worst with patients with diabetes either mellitus or lusipodus


Diuresis caused by diabetes can be treated by giving insulin injections to the blood glucose levels

Diuresis caused by ADN deficient individuals can be treated with synthetic hormones to reduce the symptoms of Diuresis.



accumulation of large amount of intercellular fluid in tissues thereby affecting part increase in volume (swollen legs and faces)

can result from certain Kidney Diseases where excessive proteins are excreted out in the urine

this causes the level of protein in the blood to drop and in return causes a reduction in the blood volume. this will lead to the retention of water and sodium in the body.


puffy face

swollen ankle


use of medication which reduces the accumulation of fluid in the body.

decrease in water intake

when symptoms of swelling are to be activated the is to be laid down and his or her legs should be raised high above the heart level

that would be all for now I hope you learnt a lot about the kidney, be sure to leave a comment behind thanks.


Hi Izzrael, this is very well written. Are you a member of Steemstem? They give a lot of support to science posts. you need to follow their guidelines, do citations, et cetera. They have a lot of guides on their channel.

I don't understand what you mean by member exactly but I used their tags in the time past till I was down voted ounce for plagiarism apparently I didn't state the source right + my own content wasn't much so I don't know if am still permitted to use it

Yeah there is no official membership, I just meant do you know the community, and are you a member of the discord channel. Obviously you do. If you are interested in using the Steemstem tag again, you could go to the discord channel and ask for mentoring. They could give you some advice and tell you what they expect for referencing journal articles.

Alright I wll work on it thanks

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