This new field of science could change everything.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

If you haven't heard of Epigenetics you are missing out on some very valuable information, that could potentially make you look at the world different. Epigenetics is a new branch of genetic science that has only been around since 2005. The prefix "epi" means above, so the meaning is above genetics. You can look at it as, the thing that makes all of your genes do what they do in the first place. Epigenetic factors have complete control over what genes are turned on or off.

For an example, there was a study done on mice, to explore the effects of epigenetic environmental factors. The experiment began by exposing male mice to the scent of cherry blossom, along with electric shocks to the feet. Which in-turn stressed out the mice. They conditioned the mice to where every time they were exposed to the scent, they would get fearful and start to panic. Two weeks later they bred the male mice, and raised their offspring. When the new mice were exposed to cherry blossom, with no prior exposure, they became panicked and fearful just like the parent mice. It turns out in fact that the new mice actually developed larger areas of brain matter devoted to the smell of cherry. All of that in one generation is hard to believe!

Here is a write up on the experiment that took place:

So what it boils down to is that, you could potentially pass on traits, characteristics, defense mechanisms, emotional scars, ways of thinking, actions, habits, patterns, fears, phobias, etc. The list goes on and on. In my opinion this is a huge discovery that could potential explain why we are the way we are and how it happened. I encourage you to do further research for yourself. This is a very interesting subject!

Here is a great Ted Talk about it. WATCH IT!


This is a Ted Talk about the Nature vs. Nurture side of things. Also a great presentation! She talks about two identical twins that were raised in different households and the impact it had on them.


Anyone who is pregnant, wants to have kids, has kids, or just wants to find out more about the inner workings of life, you will find this information valuable.

Thanks for reading.
If you like this post, check out some of my other stuff @intrepidthinker. You might find something you like.


This is indeed a great achievement, science practically confirming what psychology knew already and what man can observe with naked eye.

Exactly! That was well put. We are basically discovering an invisible force that decides everything.

Right, the great mind connects everything, same does the blockchain.

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