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RE: Today’s lesson: What is Sapiosexuality all about?

in #science6 years ago

Very interesting. I've often thought along similar lines. One thing I've encountered as a "smart woman" is that I have had a tendency to attract men who aren't very ambitious. I mean they want nice things, but they are attracted to women who seem smart enough to provide those things for them by the woman using her intellect and corporate abilities.

Now I actually tend to be attracted to men who are very in touch with their emotions, the Earth, and their intuition, which one might aptly call "feminine" qualities, but when I was younger that was in combination with drive, goals, and focused intentions (masculine qualities). That's because I was in the ambitious phase of life myself, and wanting someone who would contribute financially at least as much as I was trying to. But as I get older, I become more interested in someone who knows how to savor the sweetness of life, which is always found in the now, not future oriented seeking.

The question is, what balance of masculine and feminine works for any two people? No one is all one or the other, so necessarily there are different mixes of which traits a person takes from the yin or yang side of the spectrum.

You're right that these roles are shifting, and with that shift there is a lot of room for confusion because there aren't just 2 possibilities. There are infinite combinations of how the different aspects of masculine and feminine can interplay within an individual, and be drawn out within relationship to another person with their own mix of qualities. We aren't the same person with everyone! We change in relationship to who someone else is being with us. We grow with people. I'm sure people found it all so much simpler when all females were expected to cultivate only this set of traits and suppress all others, and males the reverse expectations.


I mean they want nice things, but they are attracted to women who seem smart enough to provide those things for them by the woman using her intellect and corporate abilities.

Well that didn't sound good at all, and I am sure those guys will find a hard finding a proper partner that way.

But as I get older, I become more interested in someone who knows how to savor the sweetness of life, which is always found in the now, not future oriented seeking.

It makes sense, there will come a time when we realize if we keep thinking about the future our life will pass without actually living in the present, and suddenly, we are already old people. Planning for the future is important, as is living and enjoying the present.

We aren't the same person with everyone! We change in relationship to who someone else is being with us. We grow with people

I totally agree with this, we live in constant change, a permanent growing, so our tastes and even our skills can be different over time.

It might have been indeed simpler back then, but now I think our world is much much better, even if there are serious problems of course.

Thanks for such a good comment @indigoocean!


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