The difference between science and knowledgesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago


Science Science in language is the source of the verb science, and collected science, which is: (the realization of the thing in truth), [1] Science is a concepts and laws are serialized and interrelated with each other, these concepts arise from experiments or observations, science can be defined as an organized knowledge comes from research The objectives of science are to describe the various phenomena by observing and using the tools of science, to interpret the phenomena and to know their causes, to study the changes that lead to the phenomenon that has been studied and described, and to predict the occurrence of phenomena in the future Using results (2) Science in a continuous development: Science develops and renews itself constantly through changes that occur on the scientific interpretations of various things, In addition to the changes and changes associated with the evidence, and attention should be paid to the changes that occur and follow-up constantly; through continuous knowledge on various aspects of science and trends, and correct information and scientific facts mentioned in books, whether school or other depending on developments. For example, to obtain a precise water temperature, an accurate thermometer must be available. The individual can not rely on measuring the temperature of the water with his or her hand. This is a preliminary indicator of the degree Temperature is not scientifically supported, so the researcher should be able to use scientific tools and devices, and should focus on the units used if the scientific information is based on the measurements. Science is universal: Once real information is derived or reached, it becomes the property of all and is not exclusive to anyone, even if one is discovered. Other individuals can use scientific facts and employ them in their lives and apply them as institutions do. In the interest of the world, as the secrets of the atomic bomb and hydrogen. Science is comprehensive and can be generalized: clear examples of the universality of science and globalism Mendel's research, which founded the genetics, began his studies on peas and reached the law of isolation traits and free distribution, and the results were not limited to peas, but was circulated to all living organisms, Archimedes, which included various submerged or floating objects, there are many examples that support this property and make scientific knowledge comprehensive and general not limited to a specific part. Science is cumbersome and adaptable: the characteristics of science are cumulative. When a researcher examines a particular topic, it does not start from scratch, but rather draws on the experiences and studies of his predecessor. The conclusions and results of recent studies are based on the old. , They replace them and become those dated, this indicates that science is adjustable and developed. Science is influenced by society as it affects it: Science is strongly related to society, because science develops society, as it develops and changes depending on the surrounding circumstances that prevail in society. Knowledge Knowledge is the source of action known as: (the outcome of learning through the ages), [4] knowledge means science, and it is more comprehensive than science, encompassing the various sciences, fields and information that individuals have reached throughout history. And ordinary knowledge, the ordinary knowledge is the same science, but scientific knowledge is that reach a higher degree of credibility and be based on evidence and evidence.

Scientific knowledge can also be defined as the outcome of the views, perceptions, facts and beliefs of the individual in the repetition of his attempt to understand what is happening around him of phenomena, and includes all that surrounds the individual and related to it, [6] The importance of knowledge is that it helps the individual to understand the things that face him His life, and be able to overcome any problems or obstacles that may face him and prevent him from reaching what he aspires to, and gives him the ability to take appropriate actions and decisions, and through his knowledge can recognize and correct his mistakes. [5] Methods of Access to Knowledge There are four ways to reach Knowledge, namely: [5] Making use of the news The previous experiences: A person can return to previous knowledge and experiences of previous generations and benefit from them, as well as benefit from previous experiences in similar situations in different areas. Traditionally, this method has been used since ancient times because of the limited knowledge. The source of knowledge and interpretation of the things that happen is the elder of the tribe, in addition to following the habits inherited to obtain the various knowledge that the individual needs to face what is happening around him. Experimentation: Experimentation aims at reaching general rules and regulations by tracking the particles on a subject. In this way, the individual can control and control the phenomena surrounding him. Inference and measurement: This method starts from the general things to move gradually to the special things, and by analogy, one can judge the various events around him, and he can know the laws that control the occurrence of phenomena around him. Classification of Knowledge Knowledge is classified into three types: [5] Contemplational knowledge: The individual must be intellectually mature enough to study the phenomena deeply around him so that he can study most of the facts and evidence he needs. On philosophy significantly. Sensory knowledge: It is the knowledge that the individual gets through the senses, such as hearing, touching or seeing. Scientific knowledge: Based on experimentation, it is based on the observation of the phenomena occurring, and it depends on the hypotheses that are scientifically established for the phenomena. These hypotheses are confirmed by experimentation, then the data obtained and analyzed. Conventional differences between science and knowledge Every knowledge of science and not knowledge is knowledge, and knowledge is broader and more comprehensive than science. It includes scientific and non-scientific knowledge. [6] Knowledge is the opposite of denial and ignorance, whereas science is the opposite of ignorance and desire. [7] Knowledge is related to the same [7] Knowledge is associated with the presence of the image of the thing; that is, it is similar to the perception, but the science is linked to the conditions and qualities and its relation to the thing; that is, it is similar to the ratification. [7] 8] Knowledge inspires sleep in the soul, who increased knowledge increased his knife. [8] Knowledge is useful Science is differentiated from one another while science does not benefit, and knowledge is related to what man reaches through contemplation, and science is usually used in what is self-perceived. [7] The accumulated information is called knowledge, whether intellectual or experimental, Its format and order are called a note.

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