The disappearance of higher civilizations in history may indicate that we really came from an alien, not evolved

in #science4 years ago

Will the evolution of a life lead to the disappearance of this life? Why will it cease to exist overnight when civilization is high enough? Do we humans come from another planet? When our technological civilization evolves to a high enough level, will it return to its homeland when it came? Does the disappearance of the Mayan civilization mean that their civilization meets the requirements of that planet and goes back directly?

We all know that the earth has existed for 4.6 billion years, but our life span is only about 100 years. We study the history of the earth in order to understand the origin of the earth and the origin of life, because at present we only know that although there are terrestrial planets in the solar system, we have not found life on terrestrial planets. At present, only the environment on the earth is suitable for our human existence.

Our planet is unique. It has a plate structure, liquid water on the surface, and an oxygen-rich atmosphere. But our planet may not be like this hundreds of millions of years ago. Only through the ancient rock layers can we discover the evolution of our planet.

When we talk about historical life, we usually think of dinosaurs or fish in the water that climbed onto land, but the earliest life on Earth was much earlier than this life, because in Western Australia, scientists found rocks there It has existed for 3.5 billion years. Because this kind of rock belongs to the stack, the birth of the first life on the earth can be found here.

Before life appeared on the earth, only simple life forms such as bacteria could be found in fossils, about 3 billion years old, but fossils before 3 billion years ago were either destroyed or deformed due to plate movement. Therefore, there is a question, when did life on earth begin.

Scientists discovered a small piece of special rock in the cascade stone, and later determined that it was a piece of silicon bloom (a kind of rock), which is generally formed in hot springs. In 1871, Charles Darwin told his friend that hot springs contained various chemical substances. What kind of life might be formed in the hot springs and is preparing for more complicated evolution?

Researchers have discovered that the water in the hot spring contains various dissolved chemical substances, and the water temperature is appropriate. When this water is mixed with organic compounds, it can produce chemical reactions and form a special chemical environment, which can produce simple cell structures. ! And this cell structure is the first step towards life.

One hundred years later, scientists discovered that there are volcanoes in the ocean, which are what we call hot springs. The "black smoke" that floats from these hot springs is rich in minerals, which are food sources for bacteria. Since the discovery of deep-sea hot springs, scientists have focused on the birth of organisms in the ocean, because the ocean basically occupies all of the earth before entering, and there is very little land. Therefore, the earth originally had a large number of deep-sea hot springs, and it is reasonable that life originated from the ocean.

Of course, with the advent of mankind, science and technology continue to advance. The origin of life on earth is still a topic discussed by scientists. Perhaps this topic will never be clear. Human beings have begun to question their own existence and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Some people firmly believe There are extraterrestrial creatures in the universe, and some people say that humans are the only ones in the universe!

But organisms have a long process of adaptation. It is impossible to say that there are no organisms on other planets, just like the "white blind shrimps" living near the deep-sea volcanic crater. They can survive 450 degrees high temperature because they have evolved to adapt there. Therefore, there is life on extraterrestrial planets, but we are not adapted to their environment and cannot survive in their environment!
When there are a lot of bacteria in the hot springs, some bacteria start to produce oxygen, just like plants produce oxygen now. Geologists later referred to that period of time as the "Great Oxidation Event." The dinosaurs must have been born after the Great Oxidation, when the oxygen content in the air was particularly high, because the species became very large when the oxygen concentration was high.
The existence of oxygen allows complex species to evolve. Life needs oxygen to become stronger and more complex. At the same time, the emergence of oxygen also creates an ozone layer to prevent cosmic rays from causing radiation damage to earth creatures. Three billion years ago, creatures sacrificed themselves to produce oxygen to allow complex life to evolve, but now humans dig out fossilized creatures for fuel consumption and emit carbon dioxide into the air. It's like they created us, and because of our intemperance, they ruined our homes through them.

What's more ridiculous is that maybe we will destroy the earth with our own hands, maybe we can contact intelligent alien creatures, or maybe we can't. But when intelligent creatures evolve, they will soon perish! It was not other creatures that caused the extinction, but ourselves.

There is a creature on the earth called "water bear bug", which can survive in the exposed space environment. It has been found in the Himalayas more than 5,000 meters and the Antarctic deep sea below 4,000 meters! On the earth, the water bear insect is one of the most tenacious creatures found on earth! "Xiaoqiang" couldn't rank in front of it. Perhaps the "water bear worm" is really an alien creature, or it may have evolved to adapt to the environment.
Our best umbrella is the earth, why do we look for earth-like planets? Our origin may always be a mystery! Does the evolution of a species not disappear? Why are the previously evolved species that we can only see now are fossils? Did humans evolve from the earth, or do they not belong to the earth? In other words, the last living environment of mankind has been destroyed and cannot be inhabited, and thus moved to the earth?

Later, we will talk about the hypothesis of human origin and the formation of the earth!














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