The ancient solar system and the search for Helium-3 (for potential fusion energy)

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Israelites may have been the first group of people to figure out that they should not be worshiping dwarf stars. Certainly by the time you get to Jesus, the pantheon gods and goddesses were pretty much gone and Jesus’ understanding of God (Capital G) was pretty much the same as ours. Likewise you can discern from Plato’s writings that he understood the difference between God and the earlier pantheon gods and goddesses.

There were three aspects to the pantheon gods and goddesses: the original identification as astral bodies; the idols which you read about in the Old Testament; and the internal voices which Julian Jaynes described. But, originally, the pantheon gods and goddesses were all astral. The name associations between pantheon gods and goddesses and planetary system bodies are primordial.

If you were to go to some place where primitive people congregate today (DNC headquarters in Baltimore or Chicago…) And say something like “Guys, I need a new astral religion, that is, some kind of a religion involving worship of things which you see in the sky and I needed by 5 o’clock today, hundred dollars apiece, I’ll be back at five!”, what they would come up with would inevitably amount to worshiping the sun and the moon. Venus might plausibly be involved also but very few Americans could even find Jupiter or Saturn and they would play no part in the new religion.

Funny thing though.. The two chieftain gods of every one of those old religions were the two dwarf stars, Jupiter and Saturn, and not the sun and moon. Vestiges of that ancient reality are still all around us. We still call our Sabbath “Saturn’s day”; the chiefest Roman religious holiday was called Saturnalia; Plato consistently refers to Antediluvians as children of Kronos/Saturn…

Ovid and Hesiod both claimed there had been a Golden age on earth when Kronos/Saturn was King of heaven, followed by the flood and then a brief silver age when Zeus/Jupiter was King of heaven, followed by the age of the Trojan war and then our present age which is described as an iron age. In the same language, our sun is the “King of Heaven” now.

In fact in the early 1900s the Journal of Assyriology featured several articles noting that the names which were used for our sun in the ancient near East all appeared to be names which had originally pertained to Saturn and had later been switched. Particularly in the case of Shamash, the iconography which we see clearly does not have anything to do with her present sun.

Egyptian enclosed crescent (prototype cosmic ship) and Babylonian Shamesh petroglyphs.

What the artists were actually seeing.

The Shamesh glyph is the basis for the familiar Islamic symbol which most take to be a star inside a crescent moon. Nonetheless, a moment’s reflection dispels the idea that anybody could ever see a star inside of a crescent moon. A star outside of the earth moon system would be occulted by the moon regardless of phase and a star between the earth and moon would fry us to cinders.

This is the cosmology which Ovid, Plato, Hesiod and others were describing. It shows up in artwork and iconography all over the ancient world. The little Shen-Bond clasp (Egyptian) for instance:

Ancient iconography shows the ancient solar system or at least the part of it which we were involved with and what you see is a linear electromagnetic alignment rather than the present gravity /orbital system. The image shows the former dwarf star Saturn (background) and then Venus (blue) and Mars (red).

This is what I mean when I say that a Chinese astronaut team looking for helium three on our moon based on an assumption that our solar system had looked pretty much the way that it does now for the last 4 billion years, could very easily be in for a rude awakening. The basic reality is that the entire present order of our system is no more than a few thousand years old.

A few artist conceptions of the Saturnian age:

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