Ken Ham's ark exhibit a fabulous success, evolutionites/evolosers shattered...

in #science6 years ago

Evolutionites believe their versions of science and ancient history are the only ones which anybody should ever be allowed to hear about.

The question of sin being involved in the flood is problematical, i.e. I give God credit for being bright enough not to wipe the entire system over sin, only to have sin back in business as if nothing had happened forty years later. I assume that part of the story amounts to embellishments added in by priests at later dates.

But the story of the flood itself is provable in a number of ways. The flood itself was a consequence of the final capture of the Southern part of our system (the four bodies with the roughly 26 degree axis tilts) and by one of the dwarf stars (Saturn) flaring:

Flaring is the dwarf star equivalent of what you'd call a nova if you were talking about a main sequence star like our sun.

Mick Jagger describes the state of the evolutionites:

Evolutionites claim nobody could make a functional ship that big (presumably because Europeans never did). Somebody forgot to tell those early Ming emperors about that...

Replica/reconstruction of one of Zhu-di's trade ships, early 1400s:

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