Ganymede Redux 2022

in #science3 years ago (edited)

Ganymede Hypothesis Loose Ends

Herebig/Haro strings that we see in recent space images are generally straight, or at least close enough to straight that we don't have an easy time picturing one of them being bent at a 26 degree angle. Where did that 26 degree angle described in the Ganymede hypothesis originally come from?

How did Earth get handed off from Saturn to Jupiter and then, ultimately, to our present sun?

What evidence supports the clam of Cro-Magnon humans transferring to Earth from Ganymede via an electrical Water Bridge?

What was the order of the bodies in the Saturn / Southern system as they approached the sun / Jupiter system, both during that first near capture event some tens of thousands of years ago and, ultimately, in the process of the final capture event?

Is the idea of an " out of Australia" theory compatible with the Ganymede hypothesis?

Was the original approach of the Southern system towards the sun / Jupiter system (near capture event) along a spiral path or a straight-line path?

This document is an attempt to answer those questions and possibly two or three others, that is, an attempt to tie up any loose ends in the Ganymede hypothesis to the greatest extent possible (without owning a time machine).

General straightness of Herbig/Haro strings





What happened...

Again, the one completely foolproof way to answer these kinds of questions would be to own a time machine; unfortunately however, I have been watching eBay for time machines for some time now, and nothing has ever turned up. The basic idea has to be to substitute logic and our present state of knowledge with respect to our solar system for the missing time machine.

As noted above, Heerbig/Haro strings that we see in space are reasonably straight and we should assume that the string of bodies that originally comprised our system was likewise straight. That string was moving towards the system North originally. Starting from the system North and going south, what you saw was:

Jupiter to the far north of the system

Our present sun, more or less in The Middle

And then, further south, Saturn and at least three bodies (Neptune, Mars, Earth) aligned with Saturn

Jupiter and Saturn we're both dwarf stars under those conditions. Other parties that we observe orbiting Saturn now could easily have been orbiting Saturn in those earliest times as well, but the Saturn system bodies that were parts of the original Herbig/Haro string were Saturn, Neptune, Mars, and Earth.

The landmass of the Earth in those days was all concentrated into a supercontinent (Pangea) directly underneath Saturn and the other bodies i.e. Earth was the rocky body at the bottom of the stack. The center of the supercontinent was Pico Island in the Portuguese Azores, which is still the highest point of land in the Atlantic today, the center of the " Mid-Atlantic Bulge". The landmass of the planet does not end up in one place for no particular reason; it gets PULLED into one place by some Titanic force of attraction (the tidal pull of the Saturn system). Opposite Pico Island is what I call the Pacific Void, basically just water. In other words, if you Center Google Earth on Pico Island and then turn the globe around 180 degrees, all you see is water and an edge of Australia.

As per Troy McLachlan's excellent analysis, a sequence of events unfolded:

Jupiter was probably never far enough away from the Sun to avoid capture.

The sun caught up with Jupiter and captured it, forming a bright Northern system consisting of the Sun, Jupiter along with its Moon system, and likely other bodies, possibly including Mercury and our own present Moon and, at a very much more recent time coincident with the flood mentioned in Genesis, Venus.

But in doing this, the Sun was slowed in its own journey towards the system North, allowing the saturnian system to begin to catch up with it.

You might think that for this Saturn/ Neptune/ Mars/ Earth system to fly into the area of the Sun/ Jupiter system, Saturn would be the lead body and the others would trail behind it. That does not appear to be the case. It appears as if Earth was the lead body, and then Mars, Neptune and, finally, Saturn.

The Ganymede Hypothesis describes the reasons for believing that the first humans in our system were living on Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon and that groups of them transfered to Earth during that initial approach of the Saturn system. Those earliest humans on Earth were culturally sophisticated but not technologically sophisticated; there is no reasonable way to believe that they came here via any kind of technological means. Donald Scott of the Thunderbolts group has suggested that the transfer of humans and other Aquatic mammals involved an electrical Water Bridge, and that is the working hypothesis.

Earth was the largest Rocky body in the Saturn system and faced outwards from the edge of that system; I am assuming here that the same was true of Ganymede, i e that it was the largest rocky body in the sun / Jupiter system and also faced outwards from the edge of that system.

The initial approach during which humans transferred was almost certainly in a straight line, the two outward-facing largest Rocky bodies coming very close to each other so as to cause the formation of an electrical Water Bridge. I cannot picture a water bridge forming between Ganymede and something that was passing by it on a spiral path.

Without the time machine , there is no way to know how much time was involved in humans transferring from Ganymede to Earth via an electrical Water Bridge, or how they did that. There may have been air pockets in the water within the bridge or they may have simply been able to hold their breath for that long. As per Elaine Morgan's thesis, , they were likely able to hold their breath substantially longer than any of us could. They splashed down in the Pacific Ocean somewhere and, presumably, other Aquatic mammals, seeing that they could not survive on their own in the middle of such a body of water as the Pacific Ocean, took them to the nearest large body of dry land, Australia.

Thus the "Out of Australia" theory does appear to be compatible with the Ganymede Hypothesis.

Nonetheless, the Saturn system recoiled back away from the Sun, Jupiter system and, as it did, it BUCKLED and broke away at something like the 26 degree angle that we still observe in the access tilts of those bodies.

The best way to picture this is to think of a train wreck:


26-degree angle??

The locomotive and one or two cars behind it run into something or otherwise get stopped and the following cars keep trying to move forward and, with no other way to go, end up moving outwards, buckle, creating an angle in the chain of cars. likewise,that original Herbig/Haro chain of our system was now no longer straight but, rather, bent at a rough 26 degree angle.

The Saturn system was now close enough to the sun/ Jupiter system that it did not recoil out of electromagnetic and gravitational reach. Over a space of time measured in thousands and probably a few tens of thousands of years, the Saturn system again approached the Sun/ Jupiter system, only this time at a rough 26 degree angle to the plane of the sun Jupiter system, and probably along a spiral path as Troy McLachlan has suggested, and was captured.

When this happened, Earth, still on the edge of the Saturn system facing outward, ran into the neighborhood of Jupiter and was captured by it, and remained there for a period of time before being passed along to orbit our present Sun directly.


Things could get added to this document over the next couple of weeks. Check back around end of May.

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