An anti-Green Agenda for Mankind on Earth

in #science4 years ago (edited)

We've all read the horror stories about the UN and it's Malthusian agendas for "re-wilding" the Earth and reducing human populations to medieval levels for the glory of "Gaia(TM)" and the question of how many people their brain-dead economic models could ever support on a planet like Earth has a lot to do with it. Friends in the LaRouche Group write about abandoning those models but to my own thinking at least, they lack a clear-cut vision of what Earth ought to look like fifty or two hundred years from now.

The following are a few of my own thoughts as to helping them out.

So how do you put 1.5 billion people to work and pave the way for 100 billion humans to live comfortably on this planet?

That amounts to producing a fifty or hundred year plan or agenda for the human race on the planet (and assumes we don't annihilate ourselves in the meantime). For starters, to plot a human agenda, it would help to understand what exactly humans are and for that you need to have some clue as to human nature and human origins. And you have to begin by understanding how totally FUBAR the standard theories of human origins are.

The most common version of a theory of human origins appears to be the "Out of Africa" theory... A bunch of apes get tired of living in trees, come down, evolve into hominids and then humans, lose their fur, lose their night vision, lose nearly all of their sense of smell, and begin traipsing around Africa on foot for some indeterminate period of time before wandering into Asia and Europe...

This is what thirty days of that might look like..…

Notice they give these couples a steel/flint fire starter and a metal pot to boil water and a stainless steel knife and a bow and some arrows, which no hominid ever had any of and they don't provide any clue as to how much harder it might be if one of those women was pregnant or had a two year old in tow....

Humans have only ever survived on this planet by means of technology. The cold, hard reality is that however much Jesus might love us humans, "Gaea" hates us. This planet is intensely hostile to humans and no creature could originate on a planet which was intensely hostile to it. A believable home world for humans would not look like this.

Humans are basically aquatic mammals

Elaine Morgan listed a hundred or so traits which we share with other aquatic mammals but there are a few which stand out:

  • Voluntary control of breathing which is an adaptation for swimming and diving. We take that for granted but monkeys and apes do not have it. That is the only reason they cannot teach chimps and gorillas to speak English (they can be taught to communicate using deaf signs perfectly well).
  • Face to face sex. Marine mammals do that, land animals generally don't.
  • Shoulders adapted for swim strokes. The motion to swim is the same as to throw something like a javelin or use an atlatl. Humans have that, primates and hominids never did. That is why Neanderthals were limited to thrusting spears while early humans had atlatls and javelins.
  • Lack of a decent sense of smell. All land prey animals have vastly better senses of smell than humans do and would go extinct very quickly if they did not. A sense of smell is not terribly important to an aquatic mammal.
  • Legs being the major limbs (all monkeys and apes arms are the major limbs) along with the ability to bend backwards from the hips, i.e. adaptations for wading and swimming.

Again, Elaine Morgan lists something like a hundred such aquatic traits. Elaine Morgan's aquatic ape theory can be viewed two ways. Viewed as a new version of evolutionism, it is just another flavor of BS. Viewed as a theory of human adaptation, it is the best theory that has ever come down the road, but it has never gotten any traction in academia and there are two reasons for that:

  • There is no fossil evidence of any sort of an aquatic ape ever having lived on this planet, and
  • There has never been a body of water on this planet which would be safe for humans to live in. You only need to spend ten minutes in the ancient sea monster section of the Smithsonian Museum to comprehend why humans have never lived in water on this planet.

Elaine Morgan's theory is perfectly good, it simply needs a different kind of world to happen on. One other thing to mention; human ancestors on that different kind of world were aquatic humans and not aquatic apes. The Ganymede Hypothesis is not some sort of a magic wand which can salvage the theory of evolution...

An original human home world would need four things:

  • It would have to be bright (the relatively tiny human eyes).
  • It would have to be warm (the lack of fur)
  • It would have to be wet (the aquatic adaptations) and
  • It would have to be safe, both from sea monsters and from cosmic radiation. It would most likely have to be a fresh water ocean world without sea monsters, and without the creatures of Pandora's box.

Some tens of thousands of years ago, there was in fact one body in our solar system which had all of that, but it was not Earth. Ganymede is Jupiter's largest moon, just slightly smaller than Mars. Today it is a frozen icy wasteland. Sixty thousands years ago, it was a fresh-water ocean world with anchored islands and coagulated floating masses of pumice and luxuriant vegetation.

“The relatively tiny human eyes??” you might be asking...

All of the old creatures of this planet, including dinosaurs, hominids such as the Neandrthal, and leftover creatures from those ages such as lemurs and tarsiers had the same kinds of huge dark-world/Purple-Dawn eyes:

Vendramini Neanderthal reconstruction:


Rob Gargett (“Subversive Archaelist”) notes that even if you try to draw a totally humanized/yuppified Neanderthal with the eyes and nasal area as large as the bones indicate, what you end up with is still outlandish:


Again the smallish human eyes are not adapted to whatever that was adapted to.

There is no possibility of restoring Jupiter and Ganymede to their former states. The bodies with the roughly 26 degree axis tilts (Saturn, Neptune, Mars, Earth) were not part of the sun/Jupiter system at that time and Jupiter was much closer to the sun under those conditions, as is the normal case for dwarf stars or gas giant planets orbiting main sequence stars within our galaxy. With the system unified as it is now, the Titius/Bode law says the planets will be where they are.

A reasonable human agenda should aim at making this planet into a believable world for humans. Rather than forcing humans to deal with Gaea on Gaea's terms as greens would have it, the idea should be to force Gaea to deal with us on our terms.

For starters, absolutely nothing should bar the free use of the planet’s waters by humans

  • Get rid of anything that threatens humans in water: At minimum the four or five species of sharks that attack humans, piranhas, crocodiles and hippos at least in rivers that humans need to use, and anything else that falls into the category of dangerous to humans in water. On a reasonable human world, fish do not kill and eat humans. More than 90% of all creatures which have ever lived on earth are now extinct. The balance of nature does not miss the Tyrannosaurus, and it would not miss the white shark.
  • Determine if there is any reason to keep any other sharks on the planet. Sharks are the universe's ultimate trash fish; they aren't really edible and they consume some huge volume of edible fish which would otherwise be available for humans.
  • Desalinate the oceans. That might take a couple of centuries, but the process should be started within the next two decades. There is no source for the salt in our oceans, no reason to believe that salt which we pull out of the oceans would be replenished. By all ancient accounts, our oceans became salty after the flood and were not salty prior to that. Any fish that requires saltwater would be replaced by fish that didn’t.

Humans do not need mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, lice, fleas or anything else like that. God did not create those things and whoever did create them was an outright villain

  • Get rid of all of the creatures of Pandora's box. Get rid of all insects other than for the few dozen or whatever which are useful or decorative; all poisonous and stinging things; all disease vectors, parasites etc.
  • Get rid of or wall off creatures which cause any sort of serious danger to humans on land.
  • Shut down the demented greentard programs to “re-wild” areas inhabited by humans or re-introduce wolves into the South 48. The little 70 pound wolf which use to inhabit the South 48 is extinct and the giant 200 pound wolves being brought in from Canada do not need to be anywhere other than Canada.
  • Shut down the United Nations and all of its insane programs and agendas.

Establish programs to provide humans on Earth with energy for any and all foreseeable futures.

Energy sources to be evaluated and developed would include:

  • Coal, which we still have centuries worth of.
  • Petroleum, which is part of the Earth’s body chemistry produced in the deep layers of the Earth, and which we will never run out of. This includes development of the advanced new engines starting to come online such as the Achates and other opposed piston engines.
  • Thorium, vastly more efficient than uranium for producing electricity, much more plentiful and less expensive than uranium and totally safe.
  • ColdFusion, which has not been given any kind of a fair hearing by establishment science so far.
  • Other meaningful approaches to fusion power such as Eric Lerner’s plasma focus device.
  • Nicola Tesla’s plan to provide nearly free electricity for the entire planet and to use the planet itself rather than copper or aluminum wires to conduct electricity to points where it is needed.

Other approaches to fusion power are much more problematical. Anything which is always 30 years and $30 billion away is basically a welfare program for the well-connected.

Move the United States manned space program out of the black-op LaLa land which it presently inhabits and allow the technologies involved in that program to benefit humankind.

Develop the materials for the next few centuries.

  • There is an opening in the world for somebody to become the Andrew Carnegie of carbon fiber. Aluminum was more expensive than gold for most of the 19th century. That changed with increasing demand and increasing experience and the same thing should happen with carbon fiber.
  • Graphene promises to be even more interesting than carbon fiber. There is no reason why either of these things should be expensive forever, it isn’t as if carbon was rare...
  • Establishment of inexpensive alternatives to rare earth technologies should be a major priority.
  • The further development of titanium should also be a major priority.

Take the world’s oceans for humans

Scientists note correctly that all of the Earth’s landmass was recently gathered into one place. That kind of thing does not happen for no particular reason; those landmasses had been PULLED into one place by the Titanic attractive force of the ancient Southern system (the bodies with the roughly 26° axis tilts, Saturn, Neptune, Mars, Earth).

The center of that ancient supercontinent (Pangaea) was Pico Island in the Portuguese Azores, which is still the highest point of land in the Atlantic and the center of what is called the “Atlantic Bulge”. If you bring Pico Island to the center of a Google Earth display and then spin the planet around 180°, what you will see is the Pacific Void, pretty much just water.


Given the fact of humans being aquatic mammals as well as this image showing half of our planet being empty other than for water (without even counting water on the Atlantic side of the planet) the answer to the question of how 100 billion people would ever live on this planet should become fairly obvious. A few things to consider:

  • The very safest place to be in any kind of a planetary or cosmic catastrophe, is 300 feet beneath the waves in a submarine. Such a submarine would only ever submerge to ride out storms. It would spend most of its life on the surface. It would resemble nothing so much as a hollow tube with a large platform deck on top with water sport type things and whatever else made sense.
  • The Andrew Carnegie of carbon fiber would have a very easy time building very large submarines which only ever needed to go down three or 400 feet, and not 1000 m like a German U-boat.
  • The Andrew Carnegie of graphene would have an even easier time building such a thing.
  • The Japanese are already building cities and airports that float.
  • There is no rational reason to ever build or rebuild (as was the case after Hurricane Katrina) a 19’th century city, when we could build 21st-century cities which would never be harmed by hurricanes.

The question of re-creating the pumice environment of Ganymede

Aside from the possibility of humans living on our oceans in giant submarines, there might also be a possibility of manufacturing pumice and producing the kinds of floating Bergs of pumice which formerly were seen on Ganymede and which supported lush flora environments.

The basic idea of all of this stuff would be to see how close we could come to turning this planet into a garden of Eden, rather than using our technologies to blow things up or depopulate the planet for the glory of “Gaia”.


On a reasonable human world, fish do not attack and eat humans...

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