Some Innard Mysteries of Christmas Explained by Science

in #science7 years ago (edited)

How Does Santa Go Around The Whole World in One Night Delivering Presents?

That visit implies that Santa would have to visit 2 Billion children in the world. The average home is made up of 2.5 children. That implies he needs to visit 800 million homes. Factoring the different time zones around the world, he would need 48 hours to deliver these presents. That leaves him only a second to visit about 4600+ homes.

Pixabay: Santa with his Reindeer with Presents

But Santa Claus has some arsenal tucked away in his reindeer sleigh, he uses an antimatter rocket attached firmly on the back of his sleigh. Remember, antimatter has the opposite charge to normal matter and the combination of the two creates a huge explosion of energy that propels the sleigh at almost the speed of light. NASA is still studying this

The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is funding a team of researchers working on a new design for an antimatter-powered spaceship that avoids this nasty side effect by producing gamma rays with much lower energy.

But it appears that Santa Claus had already beaten them to this <3 So this jet engine propels Santa across the world as he goes on his present delivering mission.

Why Does Nobody Ever See Santa Delivering His Presents?

The answer is simple, he is invisible. He would have gone through the method of using the nature's way of disguise like the chameleon.


Giphy: The disguise champion; chameleon
But this method is hard to replicate in real life so he opted for science again. Some scientists in the Rochester University America developed a simple cloaking device the uses ordinary lens to hide things.

Source: Cloaking lens

So Santa is thought to have his sleigh and reindeer covered in this lens making them invisible.

With his bulk how does he fit through a chimney hole?


Pixabay: Santa on a chimney hole

Biology had shown that most animal could squueze through any hole wide enough to accomate their head. Santa has that capability,so he could easily squeeze himself down any chimney with ease to deliver his presents.

Screenshot (75).png
Source: Santa sliding down the chimney

He is a pretty flexible man, he does a lot of pilates and yoga making this job a walk in the park for him.

Rudolph Glowing Nose

Source: Rudolph with a shiny, glowing red nose

Rudolph's nose does indeed glow and there is this phenomenon in biology known as bioluminescence where living organisms give off light.

In a general sense, the principal chemical reaction in bioluminescence involves some light-emitting molecule and an enzyme, generally called the luciferin and the luciferase, respectively.

It is present in nature to fireflies, bioluminescent squid fish, glow worms etc.

There are also bioluminescent plants (mosses) that grow in the Arctic region, which of course is where Santa and reindeer live. Reindeers love mosses. While eating the mosses the gene that makes it glow somehow got transferred to reindeer's nose and thus it glows.

Why is the color red instead of green? Simple, he has blood flowing all around the nose. The same way your fingers glow red if you shine a light on it from behind.

Isn't it wonderful the world of science? You can virtually understand everything in the world by studying it :D

This was in response to this challenge

Ref: 1,2,3


Thanks for the support.

Why is the color red instead of green? Simple, he has blood flowing all around the nose. The same way your fingers glow red if you shine a light on it from behind.

If santa go green, na new santa b dat ooh
May it is greenrun santa 😊

Lol. Thanks.

Santa traditionally was green. One coca-cola advertisement was all it took.

Just like a majority of people think A diamond is forever and expensive because its rare/hard to find. Although the south-African workers pulling them out of their dirt fields wont tell you they are hard to find ;)

Hahaha... funny dude.

Christmas stories are one of my best, myth or reality. A good story there.

Thanks a lot.

Just santa clause things


On his way to deliver some goodies :)

Very interesting setup through science. I hope santa brings me a gift then.

Your gift is on the way

Hey if you get a chance to tell this story to kids at Christmas, I bet they will like it, really get into it, talk about it to their friends, and relate it at their school!! I love it.

Yes, it would make for an interesting Christmas story. Thanks a lot.

I wonder how some questions as regards the way things work can be answered without the help of science.
I love the way you tackled this using science view

You are right, we need answers and scientists are sure providing many of it :)

the world of science is indeed a beautiful one, thanks for educating us always.

Thank you for reading.

excellent post,that's a great work.nice funny picture
great topic sharing @greenrun

Thanks for reading.

Christmas creeps in slowly and Santa Claus is an integral part of this celebration. The story you weaved is so interesting, not only for kids but also for the young at heart.

It sure looks like wholesome entertaining article for all ages. Thank you for your input.

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