Scientist's Explanation of why Earth's Inner Core is so Hot (Comparable to that of the Sun's Surface) and Yet Does Not Melt

in #science7 years ago

For many years, scientists have always been puzzled by the about Pluto-sized inner core orb of earth being made up of solid iron while being surrounded by a liquid outer core.

Earth Layers.png
Source: Structure of the Earth Showing Different Layers

If we are to travel about 6000KM down the earth's crust you would get to the solid inner core and would be greeted with incinerating temperatures of about 6,000C, give or take 500C roughly the same temperature to that of the Sun's surface.

Source: Image showing a cutaway portion of earth showing approximate distance to the inner core

How did the core come to be that hot?

There are three main causes of these extremely high temperatures at the inner core:

  1. The heat when the planet was formed and accreted which was still trapped inside it and not lost. This heat was as a result of collisions (pieces of matter that impacted each other) which formed the planet.
    The cooling process started after this formation.

  2. As a result of friction necessitated by denser core material sinking to the center of the planet.

  3. The heat formed by radioactive element decay not only uranium but also potassium and a few others which maintains these high temperatures.

The Mystery of The Solid Inner Core Demystified

The inner core of the Earth surface is same or even hotter( depending on different school of thoughts since the measurement is an approximation and not an exact science due to the vast distance involved and lack of equipment for precise measurement)than the
sun's surface but does not melt and instead, it remains in solid crystal form

The researchers from the Physics Department of KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden has a theory on why that is so; which they published in their article earlier this Feb 2017, titled Stabilization of body-centered cubic iron under inner-core conditions.

The extreme temperatures of the inner core set all the molecules in motion in a phenomenon known as diffusion. This, at the atomic level, causes instability which results in the iron crystals turning into a liquid.
Some pieces of the crystal atomic structures slide off only to be reinserted back into the crystal.

This is like a magician quickly shuffling a deck of cards. Each atom leaves the pack (core) momentarily only to be placed back making a solid deck of cards at any moment.

Knowing that and other features of the way our planet is structured can help us make relevant forecasts for what might occur to it in the future.



Great post.

Interesting post my friend , thanks

Do you know why the sun is hotter in some countries and less hot in others? Why its hurter in north nigeria than east nigeria?

The earth is a sphere (roundish) and sun hitting on it does so in an uneven pattern. The region that is directly facing the sun (equitorial regions) get to have more sun than those not directly facing the sun.

I think this explains it all. One wonders why everywhere gets so hot by the day. Coupled with the depletion of the ozon layers one would only continue to suffer the terrible heat.

This hotness is not really the same everywhere as in some places they still enjoy coolness.

I am alwaus indoors these days because of fear of the fierce heat out there. Its terrible for me.

These high temperatures are thousands of kilometers away from you. So I doubt it is the cause of the heat in the evening. I hope you are good. Thanks a lot.

Does it mean it has nothing to do with the hot weather? I need to understand better. Thank you.

The heat you feel are mostly from the sun and not from underneath the earth. Thanks a lot.

Haha... yes thats right. I guess I was in my off day. Thank you very much. Now am back.

Thank you.

You are one good goddamn Scientist/Researcher yourself😁

Tell me, which is hotter the core of the Earth or the Stratosphere of the Sun?

I'd say neither as the calculations of their exact temperatures are not done by precise measurement. More like an approximation. Thanks a lot.

Most welcome mate!

Wow... Thanks for the scientifc update.
Its been ages that i read a bit of geography... Resouceful content indeed.

I think that's the whole idea of the post, to light up an interest in science. Thanks a lot.

I'd like to ask @greenrun, what you field of study? Cause your posts are highly informative and I enjoy reading your work.


What a great scientific piece on the core of the earth!
We made a similar post on the disturbing findings of researchers digging into the core of Siberia.

Do they have the tools to do that?

As the article says they tried it. But indeed it didn’t say what they have used during the experiment. But still you never know it could be true

The core is so far that getting to it with our current technology is impossible. Unless of course, they have a secret technology that works. In science, we never say never.

Or is it ?? ;)

Highly informative. I'm not much of a science person but, hell, I've benefitted from your posts these past few days.

Steem on bro!

P. S : Id love to learn the codes you use to make tiny fonts ☺

Thanks for the compliment, almost every person is a student of science one way or another. Use the <sup>WORD</sup>markdown.

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