The pyramid on the paintings of artists of 17 - 18th century. The pyramid of Cestius in Rome and the other pyramids.

in #science8 years ago

In his article "the Dreamers or realists" I showed paintings depicting the pyramid is clearly not "Egipitskie".
In the comments I pointed out that artists (possibly) seen the pyramid of Cestius in Rome and impressed by what he saw everywhere it was painted.
But let's look at some paintings by artists whose works have the pyramid.

Here's an example of another painting by Italian artist Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691 - 1795).


The proportions of the pyramid are obviously not the same with the pyramid of Cestius, and the height is lower.
But there's always the universal answer: "the Artist sees".
About "see" I write as something separate, but now we go on.

Very fond of the ruins of the Dutch artist Willem van Noland II (1584-1635).
In this picture, in the distance, we see a pyramid.


By the way, here we see something very reminiscent of the Alexander column. Although it was erected in 1834 (the official version) and the Dutch painter could not see him.
Here is a photo of the Alexander column.


But there is a lithograph by Willem van Noland II where it clearly depicts the pyramid of Cestius and its surroundings at the time.


series of prints of Roman ruins and coastal landscapes
Willem van Nieulandt (II)
Guglielmo Terranova
1618 paper 98 x 157 mm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Website Of The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Anonymous Printmaker
Made after a print of Adriaenszn Willem van Nieulandt II
Part of a series of prints published by Claes Janszn Visscher II

And now again look at the image. More precisely on top of the pyramid. It is clearly in the form of a chisel.
But the top of the pyramid of Cestius POINTED.


Perhaps iskusstvoved focused on the ruins near the pyramid, although they are not too similar to the current gates close.

But even if we assume that the artist drew this pyramid, and the logical conclusion. The artist painted what they SAW.
So the ruins and the pyramid in his paintings are not fantasy?

Here is a picture of Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720 - 1778), which also shows the pyramid of Cestius.


It looks quite similar. Can be compared to the photo taken one hundred years after the death of Piranesi.


Here is another view of the pyramid drawn by this artist.


The same it seems.
Goes Piranesi was very good at drawing, so to say from nature.
Let's see another picture with the pyramid of Cestius.


This image can be compared to a painting by French artist Victor-Jean Nicolle (1754-1826)


Looks quite similar..
What kind of a pyramid Piranesi depicted in this picture? Come up again?


Just want to show again the illustration of Athanasius Kircher to the book about Egypt from my article "the theory of Athanasius Kircher.Shallow world, magnetism and Egypt.".


I want to note that almost all of the pyramids sharp, and so clearly not like Egypt. They look like pyramids, which were painted by previous artists presented in this article.
Around full of vegetation, and overgrown pyramid.
On the foreground is a ditch on the cut which clearly stands out from the black soil.
For illustration personally I have not seen the inscriptions of Egypt or Giza (can brings) vision.

That is the overall impression that it is somewhere in Eurasia, not in Africa.

You can say that Kircher displayed the pyramid style, which was then adopted.
But how then to explain the picture, quite "correctly" depicted by a pyramid, which is obviously located in the desert beside the Nile.


So Kircher KNEW how to look at the area around the pyramids of Egypt.
Why then dream?
I do not ask you to draw conclusions. I'm just asking you to think.

Themselves Egyptian pyramids deserve a separate article about them so I will write another time.
So to be continued...

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