Фантазеры или реалисты?

in #painting8 years ago

In my article "Rwinsta. Dreamers or realists?", I wrote about the passion of many foreign artists of the 19th century to paint the ruins.
But it turns out it was done by Russian artists.

Here's an example picture of Belsky Alexei Ivanovich (life years 1726 - 1796).

"Architectural view" 1792 year.

The ruins of what city?

Artist Bryullov Karl Pavlovich. Years of life 1799 - 1852.

"Temple of Apollo in Figalia". 1835.

But the weird thing is that Bryullov painted clearly other ruins.

Here's an example photo from almost the same angle.


At a later time, there is a plate under columns and wall within the temple.
Well, the wall could fold down, it's okay. As put slab under the columns?
The photographer is clearly standing on the hill. Briullov painted standing almost at the level of the "floor" of the temple.
There is a feeling that the temple is rotated.

Fedor Mikhailovich Matveev. 1758 -1826 life.

"The Coliseum" in 1816.

(modern photo source)

"Rome. The ruins of the Forum" 1816

(modern photo source)

Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich. Years of his life 1802 - 1865.

"The Roman Forum. A sketch for the painting "Russian artists in Rome" 1840

What kind of axle?

Chernetsov Nikanor Grigorevich. Years of life 1804 - 1879.

"The Colosseum in moonlight" 1842

Here it is not clear what the Coliseum he portrayed.


Shchedrin Semen Fedorovich. Years of life 1745 – 1804.

"Landscape with ruins" 1799

Where painted this landscape is unknown.

But judging by the trees on the wall of these ruins for at least 50 years. And the fountain is quite not bad works.
Even from the hole in the wall shed water. What kind of pump it is there is served? What kind of energy these pumps feed?

I hope you found it interesting.

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