Angels vs demons- We are under a constant attack

in #science8 years ago


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Most of us have felt very negative at one point in our lives.  We have all felt hopeless and we might have even fallen into a depression. Various circumstances in the world makes it difficult for us to be happy all the time. There are always factors that influence our happiness in some way or the other. Whatever the reason, have you ever thought that these bad influences might be coming from an outside force, or perhaps from a different realm? 


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The other night I was watching a TV show about haunted houses. I don't usually watch shows like this, but for some or other reason I ended up there.  This particular episode was about a newly divorced man.  He moved into a beautiful old house.  He was starting over because he literally had nothing left after his divorce.  The owners of the house even sold the furniture to him.  As he  moved in his personal stuff, he discovered some old poems in an envelope, that must have been written by the previous owner or occupant.  The poems were all about suicide, negativity and death.  The new owner (let's call him John) did not make much of this, and he threw the letters in a drawer.  

John was very happy in his new house, and he was excited to start his new life.  John was at home during the day, as he ran his business from there.  Everything was not as good as it seemed.  John was kept awake during the night, because something constantly woke him up.  Negative thoughts crept into his mind at the weirdest times even though there was no reason for him to be negative. At times John felt miserable.  He withdrew himself from the outside world and lived a very secluded life for months.  He changed from being a very happy person into a miserable person.  John started drinking a lot and gave up on his job.  He did not care about anything anymore. 

This sounds like a nightmare to all of us, but in fact that is not what happened to John. 

A feeder attached itself to John.  

A feeder is an entity from the astral and spiritual plane.   They prey on people who they think they can gorge on energy from.   They start slow, they sort of pick at  your energy, drain you a little and as your energy becomes more drained  they do things to try and provoke more energy from you like fear,  stress, anxiety, etc.  

As most of us know, the physical plane in which we live is not the only reality, and I would like to describe this plane more in detail.  You can read more about the other planes on the following link: 

The Physical plane:  

We all live here on earth with all our solid physical surroundings.  We can see, hear and feel on this plane.  The physical plane is far more simplistic than any of the other planes.  On this plane we have feelings, and physically feel and touch things.....but there are also entities that still live on earth that we can't see.  Lost souls wandering the earth. Call them ghosts or spirits whatever you feel like, but they live among us.

There are also entities from different planes entering the physical plane constantly.  We have all heard of guardian angels that protect us. We can not see them, but we know that they are there.   What about demons? If we can believe in angels, what makes demons fictional ? 

Are they just imaginary creatures created by filmmakers?  Most certainly not.  

Demons are far more active on earth than we can even imagine. 


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The world is full of SICK people.  Do you belief in curses?  It is a fact that people put curses on objects. I heard of a family going on vacation.  When they came back to the normal world, disaster struck.  The husband lost his job.  His wife could not take it anymore after they lost their house, so she committed suicide. They bought souvenirs while on holiday.  All of their despair and heartache were caused by a curse that were put on a jewel in a ring her husband bought her while on holiday.  One family wiped out.   

A curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. 

Any cursed objects bought anywhere, needs to be destroyed as they can not be cleansed.  We all buy souvenirs to take back home when we are on holiday.  Now don't understand me wrong...I am not saying that everything that we buy as a souvenir is a cursed object, but it is a possibility.  

Examples of these are statues of  gods like Buddha , possible African art carvings, and jewelry.... 

If you have brought any of these things into your home, then you are doomed to destruction (Deuteronomy 7:26).  

Curses really exist. 

We are in a constant battle between good and evil.  I have always been a believer in what you reap you will sow and what you give to others will eventually come back to you....the wheel turns...etc etc etc.

If you are miserable and have constant bad luck the chances are that you are cursed.  This may be  a strange concept to people and seem like a made up story out of a horror movie, but where do you think these people get their ideas from?  Not all horror movies are fiction.  Demons work very hard to kill humanity. Non stop!!! Look around you and see the hunger, miserable people, the murderers without remorse. Look at people that only think about themselves.  Not giving a damn about anything around them!  

People are actually selling their souls to the devil so that they can have a prosperous life.  I did research about this but it scared me shit-less so I would rather not even supply any links on this.  

WTF has happened to people on earth?

Are we too busy?  Are we too greedy?  Greediness give demons a chance to enter our lives.  I think it is time that we start looking at everything around us, and fight off the evil by doing some good.  Angels constantly protects us from demons, but demons still get past them.  

Demons work in mysterious ways and change people without even realizing 

What is the  most important thing in life?  Happiness?  Being content?  I have seen more sickening things in my lifetime that I could ever dream of.  

Rape, human trafficking, murders, alcoholism, drug use, porn.... just to name a few.  

Where do these ideas come from?  

Take a stand and stop feeding the evil in the world!!! Evil is more real than you think.  

 “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go,  preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ “Heal the sick,  cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:6-8)   


If you enjoyed reading this, please follow me @giantbear



Neat post and great food for thought!

Thank you @williambanks appreciate your opinion.

Interesting. But I wonder where God is in all of this? What is his role? Any explanation?

@groundbreaker it might not be clear to us why God let Satan and his demons attack us, but I believe that we will never be tempted beyond what we can handle. We still have a choice to stand up against evil. We are not alone in this fight. God is always near. It is our choice and if we draw closer to God, He will not abandon us.

I remember after the Haiti earthquake some guy in the US I don't remember if it was a politician or a religious leader said Haiti was such a backward country and had such ill luck because sometime in the 19th century a group of Haitians made a pact with the devil. Now seeing as how the bible says the devil is the lord of this world, I figure he would have any country that makes a pact with him in good shape, but if the best he can do is Haiti, who would make a pact with him?

@gduran I would rather not tell you to go and do research about this. People are so lost these days. There are clear instructions on how to sell your soul to the devil online...this is sickening....I was actually scared by this and I stopped my research just there and then.

I know they are called grimoires, and I'll be frank with you I don't believe in that crap, but I also was afraid to read them so there might be something there after all, who knows.

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