When A Star Man in A Sports Car in Outer Space Has You Questioning Your Career

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Just the other day, I ran into a fellow teacher and had an interesting, short conversation about the subject of Science. That is what happens when you live in Florida, as I do, and some fellow shoots a fancy car up into outer space. Everyone is talking astronomy and starmen.

You know, it looks so fake, it's got to be real kind of teacher talk.

Image Scource

It was a quick chat. I think the teacher walked away labeling me a flat earther. I chuckled and thought. Geez. All I did was quote page one in the Bible, bud.

Then it hit me. I am a public school teacher and a follower of the Word. I believe in the Word of our Holy Father. Yes. I do. But, does that make me an outsider in my profession?

I guess the real question is, Am I a hypocrite?

faith-based real talk.png

I teach middle school here in the US of A. Fortunately, I teach Literature and Writing. Frost, Poe, Shakespeare, Dickinson, Langston Hughes ... the good stuff. There are some subjects, though, that I just can't teach, as a matter of principle. Science is one of those subjects.

You see, I have some serious questions. There are major premises of Science that I dispute. But, it is often too difficult to even have a conversation about concepts in Science with others, because most people become very pretentious, implying a disbelief must simply be ignorance. I take it with a chuckle. In fact, I love it when a Science guru tells me that they get their info from other scientists yet laugh at me when I get my info from the Bible.

Seriously, it is funny. Especially since people around here are learning Science from live feeds of Starman like they are watching reruns of Speed Racer. It is hilarious. They could have tossed a live elephant in outer space and everyone here would be parading around in Dumbo hats singing Disney songs.


Sometimes it gets this teacher looking up into the sky, remembering:

""Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3

So, am I a hypocrite? I hope not. I certainly know what I believe and pray each day to walk that path with discernment. As for scientists and teachers who like to scoff at my beliefs, I've only one thing to say: You need better prophets:

"'I think it looks so ridiculous and impossible, and you can tell it's real because it looks so fake, honestly," Elon Musk said at a press conference Tuesday." CNN


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

I could a tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul. #MyGod!


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