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RE: Can We Afford To Lose Bats, Given Their Importance?

in #science7 years ago

Wow. That's a very informative post . Sadly I didn't learn anything about bats in high school biology. So this posts has enlightened me on that animal. There's a Ghanaian myth that says that there was once upon a time when the bat played with both the birds and the mammals. But the bat was a very bad animal in the sense that when there's a fight between the birds and the mammals, bat would associate itself with the winning team. So if birds are winning, bat would go to mix with them and claim to be part of them and vice versa. This bad attitude became noticed by both parties and they both deserted it. It later became alone and due to shame, it could only come out in the night.


Lolz.... @gadol quite a funny Ghanaian myth. But there is a very great moral to be taken from the story though. Thanks for sharing, and i'm glad you gained something from this post.

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