Why CRISPR (GENOME EDITING) needs to be taken more seriously

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends,

Like one of my friends would say, it's a jungle out there; the world is terribly twisted to make living hard. But even more, within us, there is an unfriendly forest of way laid twigs, earth and noises; to live, to keep living is to shut the noises down, cut down the wayfaring twigs and farm the Earth. I will leave this thought hanging, and move on to the issue bordering on my mind today. Let me start by quoting this:

I am art, I am science. In all the ways that matter, I am GOD. God must be ruthless and far-sighted. God studies his creations and SELECTS. The BEST of these creations must be cherished, protected, sustained. Greatness rewards PERFECTION... Death can be conquered.

(J. D Robb, Conspiracy in Death).


Image Source: Wikimedia; Author: National Human Genome Research Institute; CC 2.0 License

This is a personified apostrophe (soliloquy addressed to someone absent), and in light of this study, if there is any GOD that reserves the right to say this, it's the genes that live within us. These genes, which are made up of DNA, form the Genesis of our similar and dissimilar identities. Being able to make molecular proteins based on instructions, genes, mainly inherited from our parents, have the prerogative to form our general and unique physical or non-physical attributes. With this bestowed formative power to build attributes into a person, we might as well call genes a metonymic representation of a creator.

So, what happens when the elements of a creator sprinkled within us (the creations) are twisted and turned in a mortal battle of Valor? Well, here is what happens- fluid tantrums are thrown, tumours are grown, cells are clumped up, bones grit against themselves, allergies are born, trenches of strength run out and finally blood is spilled. In one word, these genes within us should not be totally allowed to steal the show. In reaching for greatness - the perfection of humankind - they should be selected, handpicked and only the best of them should be cherished, protected and sustained. It is in attestation to preserving humanity and strengthening the scientific purpose of perfecting Earth that genome editing, as a scientific field of endeavours, needs to be taken more seriously.


Apparently, there is nothing new about gene editing. It basically involves the research, study and practices of fiddling with and altering the genetic codes with a necessary motive of improving human conditions and living. Gene editing is prevalent in nearly every field of endeavor, talk of agriculture, medicine and surgery, virtually anywhere the living tissues are involved. The baseline is with a proven effective technique of working through genes, global health and food economy wilbe sufficiently secured.

Image Source: Wikipedia; Author: Farzad Jamshidi; CC BY SA 3.0

The ability to cut and paste genes have been made possible through specialized proteins. Previously, in past years, several proteins have been tested in an attempt to efficiently edit genes. The Zinc Finger Nucleases was one such method. This was subsequently followed by the TALE Nucleases. However, these techniques fueled by these proteins of gene editing have long been overhauled by the CRISPR simple but beautifully designed protein combination which is cheaper quicker and easier to use.


The CRISPR Cas9 system is like using a pair of molecular scissors. Being made up of three most important molecules, the CRISPR method makes it possible to cut through the DNA of a living organism at a near accurate level, paste and replace, add or remove whatever genome is targeted in an individual.

1987 saw the discovery of the CRISPR DNA Sequences. CRISPR, in this instance, stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. And they were first detected in bacteria. CRISPR as a molecular complex system of enzymes and genetic guides was used by bacteria to repel virus. With the CRISPR adaptively developed by bacteria, viruses floating around the said bacteria could be cut off, and a part of them replicated within the genetic schematic memory of the bacteria so as to be remembered easily when the virus breeze past again. It was with a little bit more investigation on the bacteria and their systematic CRISPR Cas9 that scientists in Japan as well as other countries discovered that by making a RNA guide and designing a replacement DNA in the same pattern, and injecting it into the body, unpaired, unpleasant genes can be found and edited.

Image Source: Wikimedia; Author: J Levin W; CC BY SA 4.0

As with any technological advances that promises quite a lot, a lot of ethical concerns have been expressed with regard to gene editing and CRISPR. These concerns were not at all raised when the system was used to edit animal genes. And in fact, it was not until 2015 that the first non-viable human embryos were edited by a team of Chinese doctors. This was when the ethical questions were first raised. Most people were especially concerned with the fact that the scientists had tinkered with the human germ cells whose edits were not just limited to the operated embryos, but could be transferred from generation to generation. It didn't quite cut it that anyone should tamper with future progenies, even when its overall positive implication is put into perspective. These ethical concerns have restricted gene editing to the confines of research centers or the laboratories of those biological scientists who have a bit of spare time on their hands.

Now, reading up on the positivities of gene editing, especially in relation to THE CRISPR Cas9 molecular system, it beats me that anyone should think it ethically inappropriate. And while I am not out to raise any subjective, contradictory views of my own, I should think that it would be important to emphasize and re-emphasize the benefits of gene editing; reasons for which it should be taken more seriously.

Gene Editing: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

True enough, despite the near precision of CRISPR Cas9, the whole idea of gene editing is close enough to being a gambling expenditure for two reasons. First, the possibility of missing a genome target or mistakenly altering some other genome is still very high, and if it does happen, it will inevitably be a risky, dilemmic situation. Then, secondly, in the likelihood of successful gene editings, children will bear the brunt of it as their parents will be all for a casino game of cards. They will not only choose the type of traits they want to see on their kids, they will also determine how they want their children to look like. And honestly, this will erupt into baby making fashion industries.

Notwithstanding, pushing past these concerns and establishing a routine of gene editing would grant one thing to most people: HOPE. There are many diseases, common or rare genetic conditions which have been deemed incurable. Talk of Blindness, HIV, Huntington'disease, Cystic Fibrosis, rare forms of cancers and the common sickle cell anemia, whose symptoms can only be managed with drugs, have rendered many affected ones almost incapable of living or appreciating life. It takes one to have a firsthand experience of the pain, stigmatisation and anomalies that come with these conditions for one to understand the need for a miracle. And by all means, I have a personal taste of what it means to live with a genetic condition. This makes it possible for me to embrace the all too radical solution of gene editing.

Image Source: Wikipedia; Author: Krisje1988; CC BY SA 4.0

Through gene editing, all genetic conditions and mutations can be sufficiently eliminated, especially in embryonic cases. And what's more, whatsoever transformation is made can be passed down to future generations. Even better, human somatic cells, that is the non-reproductive cells can be treated. For example, there is a possible means of taking cells out of their bodies, editing them, correcting faults before putting them back in. The possibility of this gene therapy provides an avenue for the treatment of sickle cell and other blood abnormalities.

Apart from being used to improve human health, CRISPR Cas9 gene editing can be used in the development of drugs, of synthetic substances as well as in the recycling of bioenergu from algae. Agriculture is also all the better with gene editing as several resistant crops can be tweaked to fit certain conditions and climates. Scientists are especially forward about applying gene editing in the treatment of cancer. True enough, the sad death of Jesse Gelsinger rings true as a failed experiment in this regard. But with further precautions put in place by the National Institute of Health's DNA RAC, scientists have gone on to work on the defective T-cells of 18 patients with rare

CRISPR gene editing is giving hope, and for this reason, the restrictions that have earlier been laden on it should be relaxed so as to birth the kind of perfection we all aspire to. I mean, even gamblers have to lose a couple in order to perfect the art of winning.


Everything you need to know about Gene Editing

What is CRISPR Gene Editing?

The Age of Gene Editing


Unique writing style and well-written contents. Gene editing is one of the great technological advancement through which humans are have benefited and it's still an active area of research.


CRISPR Cas9 gene editing can be used in the development of drugs, of synthetic substances as well as in the recycling of bioenergu from algae. Agriculture is also all the better with gene editing as several resistant crops can be tweaked to fit certain conditions and climates.

I only taught it applied to just human..Nice work u've done here re-educating us on this phenomenon

Really, it comes with a lot of danger, esp what I saw in the movie - Rampage..But, if it can be perfectly and well controlled, then, it would be a significant tool for human health improvement and many other fields where applicable..

Nice style..Keep steeming!

I only taught it applied to just human

We use it all the time in bacteria, too. It's like being given an xacto knife when you've been used to safety scissors.

Well, that's cool though. I guess I don't know much about these things... Steemit been helping though.

Thanks for the comments.

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