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RE: Gender is a Spectrum

in #science7 years ago

Thanks for this post, it's super thorough and informative. Making the distinction between gender and genetic or biological sex is super important because most people still don't know about the nuances of these things, and why they matter so much to so many.

I don't know how I feel about the chart at the top, I'm not sure if these things can be represented well dimensionally; it's not harmful in its implications though, so as an introduction to these ideas, it's a good start.

I haven't gotten a clear read on whether or not the community on Steemit is receptive to this kind of stuff, as it seems to skew right-libertarian, so props to you for having the confidence to post about gender where I probably would not, and the knowledge to do so in a very complete manner.


Thanks so much @fungusmonk!! I appreciate your comments!! Someone else made the chart and I was a tad hesitant, but decided to go for it. It seems a bit incomplete to me, but like you said, it's an okay start. Thank you for your kind words. Also, I had picked up on the libertarian lean feel to Steemit, but not the right lean. I'm curious about that. Have you read any posts about it? Do you know if others share this observation? I didn't realize I was potentially being a bit brave. But, I certainly recognize that with any open platform like this I am putting information out there which others may disagree with. But, so far on Steemit I've seen the community be mostly polite and supportive. :)

Well, most libertarian identifying people tend to lean right, traditionally speaking. Cryptocurrency and anarcho-capitalism (versus anarcho-communism) go hand in hand. If you've ever seen those colorful four quadrant political compasses, AnCap is squarelythe bottom right (right libertarian or what most people just call "libertarian) and AnCom is in the bottom left (left libertarian or, generally, "pure" anarchism).

There are a lot of people who ID as libertarian and anarchist who don't fit into these generalizations though, to be fair.

I'm actually not sure if other people have the same read as me; as I'm slowly picking up, Steemit has changed a lot since last August when I first joined. I spent a lot of time off the site, but I'm realizing there's a lot more non-crypto and economic content than there was. People who've joined recently might have totally different perceptions!

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