G'RAVITY .. Dr. i'VE !!! - )))steemCreated with Sketch.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

The HumaN "M(in)D" .. so, PO'we'R-FULL .. so, N'arroW - ))

EVERYthinG (!!!) YOU .. k((NOW)) .. has CHA-N-GED !! - ))

THE W-edge .. BE-i-NG .. PU(LL)ED FREE !!??!! -))

THE .. K(NOW)L-edge .. FLOOD(in)G .. IN !! - ))

(( this is only a catalyst .. a hint .. a PEAK IN-TO ))

FOR those with .. (( E_YES .. 2 .. "C" )) .. no SurP-RisE !! - ))

FOR ""EVERYONE"" else ... ... ... B(uckl)E UP !!! - )))

.. and .. SHUT !! YOUr !! MO(U)TH !!! !!! !!!

(( not an insult !! - ))

.. simply beCAUSE !! -))
YOUr ((((ONLY)))) ENEMY .. is YOU ( . )

greb'Z )

ps .. THE SUN .. is (( not )) .. HOT !!! - )))

WORLD WAR ((( FREE ))) has ST(ART)ED !!! - )))

STEEM .. is a .. FRONT L(in)E WARRIOR !!! - )))


HEY CATS !!??!! - ))
... would anyone like to COLLABORATE ??? - )))

LETS 'exercise' .. OUR CollectivE STEEM "KicK ASS" - ))))

I have seen a lot of these perpetual motion machines. The truth is there are a lot of them, but overcoming the predictive programing is almost impossible.

ha ha .. "WAS" .. almost impossible !! - ))
.. its a NEW DAY !! - ))

i haven't began to tell my story - )))
.. all .. prelude .. so far - ))

!! - ))

You and your suspense! Just don't keep me in it for too long. I for one will be very interested. I have seen the impossible be possible and these days think it is impossible for anything to be impossible. lol

and, YOU have a GREAT ONE !! -))

WorrY no'T ... it's AlmosT T_i'mE !! - ))

ThankS for the enCOURAGEme'NT !! - ))
WheN the moment arrives .. YOU won't be disappointed !! - ))
and, it's not a ONE SHOT DEAL !! - ))

T'HERE will BE a STEADY R(i'vE)R .. of .. FLO'WING LOVE !! - ))
TouchinG EVERY SubjecT .. concerning personal HealtH & FREE(do)M - ))

ONCE the DooR has BEEN OPenED - ))))
IT can NOT BE CLOSED - )))
and, i've stood looking in .. for long enough - ))

greb'Z )

SteP ONE: - )))
STEEM .. needs .. an END-L-ESS SourCE of HEAT - ))
! - )))))))))))

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