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RE: Alternative Therapy

in #science7 years ago

Very interesting, but... I like eating my oranges! They're so tasty, and juicy. They are in Spain and in Florida, anyway. Shipping them to Minnesota seem to drain something from their juicy little souls.

Not being a fan of needles, maybe I should just eat more to compensate. In Andalucía, it's not uncommon to have fresh-squeezed OJ for breakfast. Perhaps that plays a role in the population's health. One more reason to find a way back there, I guesss!

Nice post!


Oh, and the ones on trees in public places in Spain, like these, are bitter marmalade oranges and, quite literally, taste like vomit. A "friend" of mine tried eating one, which was a lot of fun to watch :-)


Haaaaa, I too would have fun watching someone eat the bitter oranges! And I hear you...I too am certainly not a fan of needles and IF I have to get one, I can be found cowering in a corner glassy eyed, in the fetal position, babbling words that even I don't understand. lol Thanks for having a look at my post!

Usted es de Andalucia? Que maravilloso! Fui antes a Catalunia y Madrid pero nunca fui a Andalucia! He oido que es un lugar fantastico y que la gente es muy amable!

Bueno, no soy Andaluz sino vivía unos años allí, trabajando de profesor en el programa bilingüe. Es mi zona favorita de todo el país, por la naturaleza, historia, y cultura que tiene. Ojalá encuentre una manera de volver de forma permanente algún día. :-)

Ya veo, muy interessante. Si, Andalucia tiene una historia muy grande y yo creo que hoy en dia la gente no habla suficentamente de esto. La naturaleza de Andalucia es tambien para mi una gran ventaja para este lugar para seguir su desarollo economico. Si, ojala que usted puede vivir de forma permanente alli! Encantado conocer a usted.

Igualmente :-)