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RE: We do not understand artificial intelligence, because we don't understand intelligence...

in #science8 years ago

I have the same perspective about intelligence, conscience, mind, brain. I think AI is very far away from the Singularity point, when it becomes aware of itself because I don't comprehend how AI will overcome the algorithms limitations and will be able to abstract.

I 'm aware that we know too little about our brain (how exactly works, how organizes the info, how recall memories, etc) and even less about conscience. We are very far from the Theory of Everything, but it seems scientists have chosen conscience as an important part of it. And we don't know much ....

But, regardless of my narrow view of AI I have faith in Kurzweil. He demonstrated he's one of the most important contemporary scientists/innovators. He's even changing his body (you knew he's taking 150-200 pills every day, right?).

Simply putted, I'm aware of my small capacity to understand complex discussions (like the development of AI) but I have faith that others can do it. Eventually.


I agree, we know too little about the human intellect, the psyche, so currently it is something like a fascinating game.

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