Iceland Only Has One Mosquito...

in #science7 years ago

If you are visiting Denmark, Scotland or Norway, you are bound to face the annoying insects that suck your blood! But the situation is different if you plan to visit Iceland. This beautiful country is completely free of mosquitoes! So What is the secret?

Although mosquitoes exist in almost every region of the world, both cold and warm, northern Iceland is free of mosquitoes, although it has a cold weather similar to other neighboring countries such as Norway, Denmark, and Scotland.

Although interpretations differ, natural scientists have speculated that the nature of water and chemical soil in the country is what prevents mosquitoes from *growing*.

In addition, mosquitoes need shallow pools to give warmth to their eggs to hatch, but Icelandic nature is devoid of these suitable ponds. The melting speed of the lakes' ice making it impossible for mosquito eggs to hatch if any.

The interesting thing is that you can only find one mosquito in Iceland kept inside a glass jar in the Icelandic Natural History Museum. This mosquito was found hiding in an airplane in the 1980s and remained as the only witness to the extinction of mosquitoes In Iceland!

Some scientists predict that the country is expected to fall out of the list of mosquito-free countries, in addition to, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, and Seychelles, because of the change in planetary thermal balance and global warming, 

 Sources :

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Wow great article, I really hate mosquitoes, worst animals on planet!!! BTW this one mosquito in glass jar, is it alive, because if it is then it is living pretty long comparing other mosquitoes. Also I cant even imagine how hard life has holder of that glass jar, I could not refrain myself from squeezing that mosquito in the jar.

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