[9/30/2017] Check These Great Posts of the tag science Recently Posted on Steemit

in #science7 years ago

Please Check these Posts for the Category: science

The posts listed here are sorted by Current Payout Value ! All here listed Posts have been created within the last 24h ! Please check for undervalued posts ( mostly these at the bottum of the list ) and upvote them, if you believe the provided content earns your vote !

Sweat Antiperspirants The Chemistry

Posted by @cjrc97

Current Payout Value: $82.75 with at the moment 65 Votes for this post

Islands in the Arizonian Sky Isolated endemic and of course endangered

Posted by @mobbs

Current Payout Value: $42 with at the moment 83 Votes for this post

Bertrands box problem

Posted by @galotta

Current Payout Value: $36.64 with at the moment 48 Votes for this post

Venomous Tiger Snakes Have Hit the Jackpot

Posted by @herpetologyguy

Current Payout Value: $26.13 with at the moment 106 Votes for this post

Meat Revolution The Era Of LabGrown Meat Cultured meat

Posted by @samminator

Current Payout Value: $19 with at the moment 58 Votes for this post

Book Review Cadillac Desert The American West and Its Disappearing Water

Posted by @mountainwashere

Current Payout Value: $18.11 with at the moment 18 Votes for this post

The Atwater Study

Posted by @altherion

Current Payout Value: $11.99 with at the moment 27 Votes for this post

Evaporation of the water can be fed 70 of the electricity network

Posted by @martinio6

Current Payout Value: $10.6 with at the moment 22 Votes for this post

Why do leaves change color in fall

Posted by @tanata

Current Payout Value: $10.3 with at the moment 23 Votes for this post

The Cigar Galaxy HD Space Pictures

Posted by @spacehd

Current Payout Value: $10.09 with at the moment 103 Votes for this post

What color is the mirror

Posted by @martinio6

Current Payout Value: $8.11 with at the moment 32 Votes for this post

Antares Star HD Space Pictures

Posted by @spacehd

Current Payout Value: $6.08 with at the moment 46 Votes for this post

A brief description of the structure and evolution of the brain

Posted by @toushik

Current Payout Value: $5.13 with at the moment 25 Votes for this post

Scientific Explanation About The Mystery of Earths Layers

Posted by @seaworld

Current Payout Value: $3.62 with at the moment 56 Votes for this post

This Folowing 4 Types of Rice Plant Pest

Posted by @azirgraff

Current Payout Value: $2.89 with at the moment 58 Votes for this post

9292017 Check These Great Posts of the tag science Recently Posted on Steemit

Posted by @fairvote

Current Payout Value: $2.55 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Parallels between the algorithms of natural evolution and the human intellect

Posted by @technovedanta

Current Payout Value: $2.26 with at the moment 14 Votes for this post

Male or Female Voice

Posted by @godfish

Current Payout Value: $1.48 with at the moment 54 Votes for this post

Starting and Ending Eras Geological Epochs

Posted by @fugetaboutit

Current Payout Value: $1.29 with at the moment 58 Votes for this post

NASAs Analysis of 2016 Global Temperature

Posted by @astrotv

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.92 with at the moment 25 Votes for this post


Posted by @sward

Current Payout Value: $0.75 with at the moment 20 Votes for this post

The Reality Of Journey To Moon

Posted by @mohsan0073

Current Payout Value: $0.5 with at the moment 37 Votes for this post

Ancient Chinese ink hidden weapon in the fight against cancer

Posted by @showmovie

Current Payout Value: $0.49 with at the moment 15 Votes for this post

The Scientist the Astrologer the fbombs and an agreement maybe

Posted by @o1o1o1o

Current Payout Value: $0.45 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

RecordBreaking Comet Solar Storm Effects S0 News Sep292017

Posted by @jang

Current Payout Value: $0.41 with at the moment 9 Votes for this post

Elon Musk Plans To Take You Around The World In 60 Minutes

Posted by @iamhaque

Current Payout Value: $0.38 with at the moment 14 Votes for this post

The probability of the existence of 9th planet beyond Pluto

Posted by @rubai18

Current Payout Value: $0.34 with at the moment 23 Votes for this post

The power full 4x4 rescue vehicle from the world

Posted by @pulsar

Current Payout Value: $0.29 with at the moment 10 Votes for this post

Dr Zacks Laser Test Proves The Flat Earth Part 1 Pretest

Posted by @deeprabbithole

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.26 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Dr Zacks Laser Test Proves The Flat Earth Part 2

Posted by @deeprabbithole

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.26 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Samples of the soil have told the scientist what was climate 50000 years ago

Posted by @maxer27

Current Payout Value: $0.24 with at the moment 28 Votes for this post

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Biotic and Abiotic Symptoms

Posted by @radiv

Current Payout Value: $0.2 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

Solar Flares It was the perfect storm Carrington Event

Posted by @autonomysystem

Current Payout Value: $0.18 with at the moment 38 Votes for this post

Why Some People Have Trouble Telling Left From Right

Posted by @fancybrothers

Current Payout Value: $0.17 with at the moment 35 Votes for this post

Un ADN antiguo empuja la fecha de los primeros humanos

Posted by @rccc

Current Payout Value: $0.16 with at the moment 12 Votes for this post

The next little ice age Vol 51

Posted by @teks

Current Payout Value: $0.13 with at the moment 9 Votes for this post

How to supercool water

Posted by @creeperdroids

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.11 with at the moment 34 Votes for this post

Electrons and nothing else

Posted by @rscalabrini

Current Payout Value: $0.1 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

The little known racism of Charles Darwin

Posted by @vieira

Current Payout Value: $0.07 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Biochemistry Basic Concepts of Enzymes

Posted by @manah

Current Payout Value: $0.07 with at the moment 8 Votes for this post

Watch Elon Musk reveal SpaceXs most detailed plans to colonize Mars

Posted by @androsform

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.07 with at the moment 8 Votes for this post

Install Visual Basic 60 Completely VB6

Posted by @muchsin

Current Payout Value: $0.05 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

Fun with potatoes

Posted by @creeperdroids

no image
Current Payout Value: $0.04 with at the moment 18 Votes for this post

5 science fiction inventions that came true

Posted by @mutatedalien095

Current Payout Value: $0.04 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

5 amazing places you will not believe its underwater existence Learn about it and the cost of enjoying it

Posted by @sst

Current Payout Value: $0.04 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

Science Live video of diving mission on ship wreck Watch it now

Posted by @beatminister

Current Payout Value: $0.03 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Basic Conspiracy and The LastDigit Pattern

Posted by @toushik

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 11 Votes for this post

feedback beta sable V8 540 MALMIED for Redmi 3S3x released

Posted by @muchtarudin

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

science Popular Posts Promotion at 29092017

Posted by @lammpi

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Reframing climate change science to include indigenous and local knowledge Dr Tero Mustonen

Posted by @abrarahmed

Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 8 Votes for this post

Todays Top Author of category science:
@cjrc97 @mobbs @galotta @herpetologyguy @samminator @mountainwashere @altherion @martinio6 @tanata @spacehd @martinio6 @spacehd @toushik @seaworld @azirgraff @fairvote @technovedanta @godfish @fugetaboutit @astrotv @sward @mohsan0073 @showmovie @o1o1o1o @jang @iamhaque @rubai18 @pulsar @deeprabbithole @deeprabbithole @maxer27 @radiv @autonomysystem @fancybrothers @rccc @teks @creeperdroids @rscalabrini @vieira @manah @androsform @muchsin @creeperdroids @mutatedalien095 @sst @beatminister @muchtarudin @toushik @lammpi @abrarahmed

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