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RE: UFOs, Cars & Everything – How Science is Corruptively Used Daily - Part Two

in #science8 years ago

wow...what did I unleash?

but no.

All I'm saying is that the word 'belief' has been co-opted to mean what 'they' want it to mean. Much like sustainable, choice and a few other words. So I don't use it.

I try to base my confidence that 'x' will happen upon your explanation of the scientific method, only less formally.

As the Buddha is said to have said.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. a recent scientist said (i forget his name..but he was famous)

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't' agree with the experiment it's wrong. It only takes ONE counter observation to falsify a theory.

As far as so called intelligent design goes? nah. One look at the human eyeball and the built in blindspot ruins that idea. Not much intelligence there. Pitiful engineering.

I've often toyed with the idea of our universe being a simulation by a bored Godling though, the equivalent to a petulant, spoiled MEAN two year old. You know the kind of kid I mean? The one who pulls the wings off flies, turpentines cats and set's their tails on fire? (not so much of that going on lately, but read mark twain. it was NASTY a hundred years ago)

Very damn few cultures regard diety as loveable old granpas. Most of them regard gods and goddesses as something to be feared. In fact if you read the OLD testament...


I'm an agnostic by the way.

I don't know. Not only that. I don't think YOU know either.

no offense.

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