Science Busted. Weird Science Facts You May Not Have Known {Episode 1}

in #science7 years ago

 There is no doubt to the fact that we live in a weird, bizarre, and amazing world. The way we study and explore such world is what is called “science”. In this post, I will focus on the weird. The kind that will make you go “OMG!!” 

We will be taking the episode 1.

Fact 1 

A team of microbiologists from the University of Idaho have proven that there are over 10times the number of bacterial cells in your body than there are human cells. Now you wanna go “WTF, am I a human or a network of bacteria”?

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But this is actually a good thing, because the vast majority of them are beneficial to your body. So we need these bacteria.

Fact 2

At least, half of the oxygen available on earth comes from ocean, not trees. We’ve been made to believe that plants supply us with the majority of oxygen we need, but now it’s been busted.

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Fact 3

Over 10% of Europeans are naturally immunized to the HIV virus. This is caused by a genetic transmutation. This mutation was believed to have been initiated during the Middle Ages and passed on to newer generations. That was why their ancestors could survive the time of the Black Death, and now they are immured to HIV. This is getting weird.

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Fact 4 

There is a Migraine medication; sumatriptan, that turns your blood green if taken in excess.  This medication contains sulfhaemoglobinaemia, which causes the sulphur atom to get into the hemoglobin. This causes a discoloration of the blood. Believe me; you’d look like an alien when bleeding green blood.

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This is what I have for episode 1. Watch out for the episode 2 for other brain-busting facts. But until then, stay weird, live weird. Lol

Reference 1

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Reference 3

Reference 4 

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