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RE: The Beginning Paradox

in #science5 years ago

That was a very informative text. Made for a great read. And also Time is already weird. When the universe is small is the time scale already so ridiculous that it's hard to compare? What does it mean "begin?" Hum.


Actually, this is the entire problem: at the beginning, space time starts to exist. Therefore, there is no way to define time at t=0 (and before).

:) I'm glad it can be considered informative haha, I thought it could also be seen as a little pointless depending on whether you had already thought about the topic or not.

Since the Theory of Relativity was described by Einstein, time hasn't been considered something separate from the universe but another plane, like you can move forward, backward, upward and somewhere along the timeline (like W X Y and Z axes instead of just three). I saw a virtual representation of it some time ago and it was pretty cool. They also said that there are probably other dimensions but we just can't perceive them right now, only theorise about them.

But yeah, the "universe" as we know it is probably just a speck, a tiny state which we analyse as if it were the totality of what exists.

Beginning hmm, I would say that it's just a perception of movement from one point to another? It's a very human concept. For example, where does the Earth begin? Where does a circle, a square, a triangle or even a line begin? It all depends on contextual details when we ask the question.

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